Satoshi Kanda


Anime Supremacy!
Production Design
The anime industry of Japan is enormous, with 200 new TV shows and two trillion yen in revenue each year. For seven years, soft-spoken yet strong-willed Hitomi Saito has climbed the ranks, and is set to direct a series for the first time. At the same moment, the difficult but undeniably brilliant director Chiharu Oji is set to make his big comeback after almost a decade. The hit series that made Oji famous is what inspired Saito to jump into the anime field, and her goal is to match, and even surpass, his success and relevance. Her chance has arrived. Their two programs are both scheduled to debut in the same prime-time Saturday slot, and after Saito challenges her rival on stage at an anime convention, the two production teams each set out to outdo one another, because there can only be one number-one!
Ura Aka: L'Aventure
Production Design
Machiko can't shake the feeling of emptiness in her day-to-day life as a manager of a clothing store in Aoyama, Tokyo. One day, the casual words of Sayaka, a younger and charismatic store staff, stirs Machiko into creating a secret...
The Blue Danube
Production Design
The soldiers no longer know why they are at war, and when it even started. Daily and dutifully they march to the river and shoot at the opposite village from 9 to 5 – orders are orders after all. They’ve done so for decades. When private Tsuyuki is transferred to the marching band, people keep asking him what use music is in times of war.
El grito
Assistant Art Director
La aparente normalidad de la fachada de una modesta casa de Tokio oculta el horror que se encuentra en su interior. La vivienda está poseída por una violenta plaga que destruye las vidas de todos los que entran en ella.