Luísa Costa Gomes


The Nothingness Club
Pessoa famously published under many heteronyms: around 75 different names, each with fully fleshed-out backgrounds, styles, appearances and philosophies. Taking this a step further, Não Sou Nada gives flesh to these characters, all working together under Pessoa, enacted by Miguel Borges, at the publishing house The Nothingness Club.
Road of Nothing
Life is as unchanging as ever in the village: the sun sets between memories. The arrival of a young outsider changes everything. The old are offered a new gift and they accept it. The dreams awaken an old song which pulses through the village. 'With Fate driving the cart of everything along the road of nothing.'
The Baron
A school inspector travels to the baron’s fiefdom to write a report on a heathen teacher. Having arrived, he is invited to stay with the baron, who makes predictions about women, horses and politics while the mysterious Idalina serves food and drink. The inspector becomes inextricably entangled in the baron’s world.
América, una historia muy portuguesa
Lisa, una hermosa joven rusa, está casada con Víctor, un portugués. Fernanda, la ex-esposa española de Víctor, aprovechando la llegada en oleada de inmigrantes ilegales a Portugal, quiere hacer negocio con unos pasaportes falsos.A partir de entonces, y para la desesperación de Lisa, su casa se convierte en un centro de reinserción social para los inmigrantes de varias nacionalidades y razas diferentes, todos en busca de un futuro mejor. Entre ellos se encuentra Andrei, un joven ortopedista ucraniano que es buscado por la mafia rusa. Andrei termina enamorándose de Lisa, que ve en él la oportunidad de salir de esa vida. Pero las cosas no son sencillas
The Mystery of Sintra
Summer of 1870. Two writers, Eça de Queiroz and Ramalho Ortigão, decide to write a four-handed whodunit for the daily "Diário de Notícias". Could it be that the story they wrote as fiction is based on a real case? This question fuels the conflict between the two writers and drives them to a nearly fatal duel. Lisbon is in commotion. One crime follows another in a story in which love is stronger than tradition. Everything happens at frenzied pace, as in a game.
About love and death, between a man and a woman.