Paul Guncheon


Flight 29 Down: The Hotel Tango
Art Direction
Flight 29 Down series finale. The castaways split into two groups. One stays on the beach, and one travels to find life on the island. Just when they think the place is deserted, they find an old concrete hotel used in WWII, along with other old buildings rotting away. They find the pilot, and the two other survivors in the hotel. The pilot has a bad sickness that makes him go crazy.
La foto del compromiso
Production Design
Historia de una joven de 16 años, Riyo, en su viaje a Hawaii para casarse con un hombre al que sólo conoce a través de fotografías y cartas repletas de poesía. La razón de este matrimonio a distancia: escapar de un pasado turbulento y empezar una nueva vida. Nominada a la Palma de Oro en 1994 y premio del público en el festival de Sundance de 1995.