Sawsan Asfari


Marwan - Tomorrow's Freedom
Marwan Barghouti, often described as the ‘Palestinian Nelson Mandela’, is serving five life sentences in an Israeli prison. This is his story.
La traición de Huda
Reem, una joven madre casada con un hombre celoso, acude a la peluquería de Huda, en Belén. Pero esta visita rutinaria se convierte en una experiencia desagradable cuando Huda, después de haber avergonzado a Nadia, la chantajea para que colabore con el servicio secreto de los ocupantes, traicionando así a su pueblo.
The Translator
Executive Producer
A Syrian exile living in Australia returns when his brother is taken into custody by the Assad regime in 2011.
Freak Show
Executive Producer
Relata la historia del joven Billy Bloom que, a pesar de ir a un instituto ultraconservador, toma la decisión de ser la drag queen en un evento.
Película sobre el popular cantante palestino Mohammad Assaf, desde su niñez a su etapa adulta y su vida en Gaza hasta su triunfo en el concurso de talentos "Arab Idol".
When I Saw You
Tarek and his mother Ghaydaa number among the tens of thousands of refugees crossing the border from Palestine, having been separated from Tarek's father amidst the chaos of the Six Day War. They ultimately settle at the Harir refugee camp, a makeshift home for a new generation displaced by conflict. Tarek dreams of being reunited with his father, and struggles to adapt to a new life far away from all he previously knew.
The Teacher
A Palestinian school teacher struggles to reconcile his risky commitment to political resistance with a blossoming relationship with a volunteer worker and his emotional support for a student.