Jessica Gilmar
Beloved cooking show host Billie Blessings finds herself in hot water when a dead body turns up in the car of one of her guests, a temperamental celebrity chef harboring dark secrets.
Loosely based on real life events, Gregoire follows four young adults and the choices they make when put at a crossroads of their life. As they struggle to make choices, their paths cross with one another and their choices affect not only themselves, but their friends, and their families.
Jess Paulson
A runaway bride, Kate, making herself scarce for the holidays, meets a ski patrol rescuer, Jason, at a resort. Her December days begin to brighten, until her parents and jilted fiancé, Alex, show up at the mountain to reset the wedding for Christmas.
Robin Lippin
The Noauthorized Saved by the Bell Story profundiza en las experiencias de seis actores jóvenes desconocidos puestos en el punto de mira de Hollywood, exponiendo los desafíos de crecer bajo el escrutinio público
A mysterious light arrives between a man and his neighbour's door, leading to a one-way rivalry which may change the world forever.