Mary Bear


California Passage
Mrs. Mailer (uncredited)
A series of reversals bring two desperate people together. When a saloon owner is framed by his partner for a stagecoach robbery, he fights to secure an acquittal.
The Next Voice You Hear...
Nurse (uncredited)
The Next Voice You Hear... (1950) is a drama film in which a voice claiming to be that of God preempts all radio programs for days all over the world. It stars James Whitmore and Nancy Davis as Joe and Mary Smith, a typical American couple. It was based on a short story of the same name by George Sumner Albee.
The Good Humor Man
Typist (uncredited)
Biff Jones is a driver/salesman for the Good Humor ice-cream company. He hopes to marry his girl Margie, who works as a secretary for Stuart Nagel, an insurance investigator. Margie won't marry Biff, though, because she is the sole support of her kid brother, Johnny. Biff gets involved with Bonnie, a young woman he tries to rescue from gangsters. But Biff's attempts to help her only get him accused of murder. When the police refuse to believe his story, it's up to Biff and Johnny to prove Biff's innocence and solve the crime.
Singing Guns
Un ladrón de diligencias es designado como nuevo ayudante del 'sheriff' después de salvarle la vida. Rhiannon se debate entre su nuevo trabajo y la perspectiva de robar el próximo cargamento de oro.
El político
File Clerk (Uncredited)
Willi Stark (Broderick Crawford), un hombre honrado y valiente, sufre una transformación el día que decide entrar en política y descubre que todo es juego sucio. Tras ser elegido gobernador, olvidando sus principios, lo primero que hace es apoderarse de la prensa y la radio. Convertido en un ser corrupto hará cuanto esté en su mano para permanecer en el poder.
Bride for Sale
Miss Stone
Nora Shelley is a tax expert for the accounting company which is led by Paul Martin. She thinks she can find a suitable husband by inspecting their clients' tax documents. Martin finds out and tries to dissuade her from this approach, later enlisting the help of his friend Steve Adams, who tries to woo Shelley.
Johnny Allegro
Nurse Baldwin
Johnny Allegro regenta tranquilamente una floristería, cuando una misteriosa mujer le pide ayuda para escapar de unos hombres que la persiguen. Pero Johnny no es quien parece ser -tiene un pasado oscuro y cuentas pendientes con la justicia- por lo que la policía le propone un trato: olvidar su pasado a cambio de información sobre los turbios negocios de la misteriosa mujer.
Trouble Preferred
Police Sergeant Hazel Craine
A suicide attempt is investigated by a pair of female police rookies.