Josh Maas


Beware the Night Nurse
Director of Photography
After struggling to have a child, married lawyers Claire and Zach enlist the help of their friend, Liz to be a surrogate, and she successfully gives birth to baby Owen. But when their surrogate-turned-nanny disappears under mysterious circumstances, the couple struggles to take care of their newborn without any help. Soon thereafter, though, a woman claiming to be the surrogate's childhood nanny offers to be the couple's new nanny. Desperate for help, the couple agrees to hire her, not realizing that their new nanny plans to take their baby for her own family.
Vacation Home Nightmare
Director of Photography
When a woman is attacked in her rental home, the company's shady clean-up team steps in to help her pick up the pieces. However, she soon learns that the head of the team might be cleaning up his own crimes and will go to any measures to silence her.
Christmas on Repeat
Director of Photography
An ad executive gets more than she bargained for when Santa grants her wish for a Christmas do-over, and she realizes she’s been missing precious time with her family.
Bodyguard Seduction
Director of Photography
Charly, a wealthy business woman, must decide whom she can trust when she falls for a sexy bodyguard who might be involved in a plot to assassinate her. Charly relies on seduction to get to the truth when her life is threatened more than once by a mysterious killer. Who could it be? What's their agenda? Will Charly find out before it's too late?
La niñera lo sabe
Director of Photography
Cuando la niñera Kim descubre accidentalmente que su empleador, Steven, está teniendo una aventura con el tutor de español de sus hijos, decide guardárselo para no correr el riesgo de separar a su familia. Pero cuando la amante de Steven es asesinada y él le dice a la policía que no la ha visto en meses, Kim se da cuenta de que ella es la única persona que sabe que está mintiendo y está decidida a saber por qué.
Romeo & Juliet Killers
Director of Photography
Inspirada en una historia de una adolescente rebelde y su novio que asesinaron a su madre soltera en su exclusiva comunidad cerrada en el norte de California y fueron apodados Romeo y Julieta modernos...
Killer Ambition
Director of Photography
Sylvia is an ambitious businesswoman and the owner of a successful jewelry company. However, strange things begin to happen to her when she joins a secret society for female entrepreneurs.
Prisionera del amor
Director of Photography
Una joven de 18 años comienza a salir con un encantador hombre de 50 años que la invita a ir de compras y a restaurantes elegantes, creando una gran ruptura con su madre. Los instintos de mamá dan la razón cuando el hombre se vuelve psicológicamente manipulador, convirtiendo a la niña en una prisionera emocional en su mansión.
The Beauty of Love
Director of Photography
Emma has built a successful lifestyle website that she puts her heart and soul into called “Classically Emma”. But when her numbers start trending down, she thinks she might’ve found her fix in a partnership with an ambitious millennial named Jill who has her own dreams.
Deadly Debutantes: A Night to Die For
Director of Photography
Un grupo de chicas populares de una escuela privada ingresa a un concurso de Debutantes más majestuoso y respetado para tener la oportunidad de ganar la codiciada corona. La competencia se vuelve siniestra cuando las cosas van demasiado lejos en este thriller, Deadly Debutantes.
Killer Grades
Director of Photography
Proud mom Katherine has just found out that her daughter Michelle has earned a spot on the academic decathlon team. But, when a student winds up in the hospital, she starts to wonder if there's more going on with the team than she knows.
Cheer For Your Life
Director of Photography
El ánimo de una chica de secundaria se aplasta mientras sufre una humillante "Semana de iniciación de porristas", pero sus sueños no son lo único en peligro cuando otra chica del equipo aparece muerta, y cuando ella misma desaparece, su madre tendrá para apresurarse a salvarla.
Mi pequeño león blanco
Director of Photography
Lena, una joven atribulada toma bajo su ala a un cachorro de león blanco; poco sabe ella que el león escapó de los criminales que tenían la intención de llevar al cachorro a un malvado cazador de trofeos llamado Ben Percy.
Secretos en la Nieve
Director of Photography
Invitada a visitar a la familia de su novio, Christina descubre un secreto familiar asesino que la lleva a temer por su relación y seguridad.
The Captive Nanny
Director of Photography
Chloe (Karynn Moore) es una niñera que quiere adoptar desesperadamente, pero primero necesita arreglar su vida. Encuentra el puesto perfecto de niñera con la familia Brown, Emily (Austin Highsmith), Michael (Michael Aaron Milligan) y su hijo, que la ayudará a volver a encarrilar su vida. Rápidamente se entera de que son extrañamente estrictos con la seguridad, con cerraduras codificadas en todas las puertas. Emily explica que se debe a su famoso ex músico llamado Baz (Jason Skeen), quien la acecha. Horrorizada, Chloe acepta ayudar a Emily y Michael a mantener a salvo a su hijo. Pero cuando Chloe se da cuenta de que las cosas parecen un poco mal con los Brown, Emily y Michael se vuelven contra Chloe y la acusan de ser una espía de Baz. La encierran para obligarla a hacer una confesión falsa, pero Chloe pronto se entera de que no es Baz el que hace que sucedan cosas malas, es Emily, quien está decidida a recuperar a Baz por todos los medios necesarios.
A Christmas Movie Christmas
Director of Photography
Eve is a Christmas movie fanatic and dreams of having a movie-perfect Christmas with a movie-perfect boyfriend. On Christmas Eve, when Eve and her cynical sister Lacy make wishes to Santa, they wake up in Christmas Town and find themselves trapped inside a Christmas movie where they are the stars. But when things start to go wrong, and Eve's knowledge of all things Christmas movie fails to fix things, Eve and Lacy try to find a way out of the picture-perfect Christmas and back to reality.
End of the World
Director of Photography
Mientras una tormenta solar causa todo tipo de estragos en la Tierra, una familia trata de buscar refugio en unas cuevas que se encuentran en lo alto de una montaña. Para acceder a ellas tendrán que hacer frente a tsunamis, volcanes en erupción e inundaciones, entre otras catástrofes naturales.
Country Christmas Album
Director of Photography
Después de la disminución de las ventas de álbumes de la estrella del country Tess Stapleton , su sello la obliga a grabar un álbum navideño con el ex-rompecorazones adolescente y estrella del pop, Derek Copeland, en un intento por resucitar la carrera de cada uno. A regañadientes, Tess está de acuerdo. Al principio, parecen ser polos opuestos; chocando por los estilos de las canciones e irritados por que han sido forzados a unirse. Sin embargo, y para su sorpresa, a medida que el álbum se perfila, se encuentran cada vez más cerca de su amor compartido por la música. Cuando terminan, las chispas del álbum comienzan a volar y el amor florece justo a tiempo para Navidad.
Flight 666
Director of Photography
Los pasajeros y la tripulación en un vuelo son atacados por fuerzas invisibles que amenazan a todos a bordo.
A Dangerous Date
Director of Photography
Julie le presenta a su padre soltero, Peter, el mundo de las citas en línea. Cuando Peter conoce a Alexis, es amor a primera vista. Pero a medida que Julie y Alexis se van conociendo, ella comienza a darse cuenta de que Alexis podría no ser lo que parece.
Cuñado Psicótico
Director of Photography
Mientras su esposo trabaja, Kate se siente protegida y contenida junto a su cuñado David. Pero a medida que su comportamiento hacia ella cambia, se da cuenta de que David parece capaz de cualquier cosa por ocupar el lugar de su hermano. ¿Se habrá dado cuenta a tiempo? ¿O será demasiado tarde?
Troy the Odyssey
In this re-telling of Iliad, set in 1174 B.C. after ten years of fighting in the Trojan War, the Greek warrior Odysseus decides to travel for home, but instead finds a string of mis-adventures over the sea and land as he, along with a captive Trojan warrior named Circe as well as a group of loyal Greek soldiers, venture on the sea and land to get home to the island kingdom of Icarus and fighting sea sirens, and other mystical creatures to get home to his wife Penelope who is being hounded by a group of suitors hoping she will chose to make one of them their bride.
Alien Convergence
Director of Photography
Cuando una serie de alienígenas reptilianos toma control del mundo, los supervivientes que quedan deben hacer piña para enfrentarse a ellos. Mockbuster de Asylum lanzado a rebufo de "Alien: Covenant" de Ridley Scott.
Locked Up
Director of Photography
Cuando una adolescente estadounidense es intimidada en su escuela en el sudeste asiático, ella se defiende y es enviada a una escuela reformada. Allí lucha contra guardias depredadores y bandas amenazadoras para sobrevivir.
Death Pool
Director of Photography
Johnny Taylor has a big problem: he LOVES to drown good-looking girls. When he sees water and attractive females together, something in his head begs him to kill - the psychological result of a traumatic near-drowning during his childhood at the hands of a twisted babysitter. Fighting the urge to act on his sinister thoughts most of his adult life, Johnny finally succumbs to his dark instincts when the only work he can find is around water, cleaning pools. Filled with colorful characters, beautiful women and set against the backdrop of the LA party scene, Death Pool encapsulates the desire for fame, the lust for desire, and the urge to kill.
Devil's Domain
Director of Photography
After becoming the victim of vicious cyber bullies, Lisa makes a deal with the devil to exact revenge on her tormentors.
King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table
Director of Photography
In medieval England, Merlin and King Arthur banish the evil enchantress Morgana and her son Mordred to the ends of the universe as Morgana vows revenge. In present day, Knights descendant Penn doesn't take much stock in the legends of his supposed ancestors, even as the descendants meet in Thailand to practice fighting. But when Morgana and her son return to earth, armed with alien technology and hell-bent on destroying every last descendant of King Arthur and his knights, Penn must to come to terms with who he was born to be, and bring together the new Knights of the Round Table to save themselves and the earth from Morgana's total vengeance.
Emma Morris at her young age faces a traumatic accident where her best friend Lily dies. She is in a shock, doctors have faith in her recovery, but it doesn't seem that she is getting better. Her family and friends are helping her throughout this difficult moment, when a series of inexplicable events start to happen in their town. Everything is overwhelming for everyone, mostly for the Morris family, due to Emma's situation.
Sinister Cover-Up
Director of Photography
Follows Brianna as she teams up with journalist Landon to uncover the truth about her father’s murder.
Vengeance Girl
When a heavyset girl discovers that whatever she does to her body physically affects her bully, she has to decide how far she's willing to go to exact revenge.