Sound Mixer
Waad, 12 years old, lost both her legs when she was hit by shrapnel in her village in South Lebanon. Samir, 24, joined the militia when he was 9 and now has trouble falling asleep without the sound of shelling. Ahmad, 12, lost his mother and was abandoned by his father. Katia, 17, and Pascale, 16, watched helplessly as their male relatives were massacred. Rabih, 6, was part of a criminal street gang at age 4, and now lives in a Beirut orphanage. Through the eyes and voices of these Lebanese children and adolescents of various backgrounds, their experiences are relived. They demonstrate how they have coped, how war has colored their view of the world, how their hopes have been raised or dashed, along with their dreams and their prospects for the future.
ADR & Dubbing
Otoño de 1936. David Carr (Ian Hart), un joven comunista en paro, deja Liverpool para intervenir en la guerra civil española, dentro del bando republicano, e ingresa en la Brigada Internacional del frente de Aragón. Allí conocerá a muchos milicianos procedentes de toda Europa y Estados Unidos, en especial la española Blanca (Rosana Pastor), una atractiva anarquista. David y Blanca están convencidos de luchar por la defensa de la libertad. La igualdad entre las personas y el compartir tierra y bienes, sin existencia de clases sociales son los ideales que defienden. Pero a veces el enemigo no solo está entre las filas del bando adversario.
ADR & Dubbing
Este fue un documental oficial que se mostró en televisión en el que George Martin nos lleva a través de las pistas del álbum y Paul, George y Ringo nos brindan sus recuerdos de las sesiones. La realización del Sgt. Pepper se transmitió en el Reino Unido por ITV el 14 de junio de 1992 y contó con entrevistas separadas con Paul (filmado el 9 de abril de 1992), George (12 de abril) y Ringo (19 de abril). El programa también presenta a George Martin reproduciendo algunas inéditas grabaciones de Sgt. Pepper directamente de las cintas maestras originales de estudio de 4 pistas.
Sound Mixer
Documentary on Krzysztof Kieslowski's Dekalog from the BBC Arena series.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Cuando una multimillonaria, cuya fortuna es ambicionada por varias personas, muere asesinada, las sospechas recaen sobre sus posibles herederos. El detective Hércules Poirot es el encargado de investigar el crimen.
Sound Mixer
In 1987, Robert Crumb presents himself: raised by a Marine father, educated in Catholic schools, married at 21 in Cleveland where he worked for a greeting card company, dropping acid in 1965, heading to San Francisco and getting in on the formation of Zap Comix, gaining celebrity, loving old time jazz, starting a band, living in a commune, meeting Aline Kominsky who became his second wife and his partner in art, having a daughter, and developing a more realistic drawing style. The confessions include his loneliness, his obsessions with women, his bewilderment by fame, his sense of the disintegration of Sixties' subculture, his nervous breakdown in 1973, and his peace now.