Ren Murakami


This World of Ours
Ryo is a boy broken on an emotional level, doesn't go to school anymore and locks himself inside at home. Hiroki is a student constantly talking about changing the world, but struggles to keep up with his friends. Ami, an isolated girl, comes into the life of both boys. The three of them get alienated from society and slowly, but surely, from each other and themselves.
Kenichi Kusuda
Kazuo Murata is a detective who has lost his wife and eventually the meaning of his existence.
Yamamoto es un yakuza que viaja a Los Ángeles para encontrarse con su hermano pequeño, Ken, al que protege y financia mediante sus ingresos criminales. Pero al llegar allí, descubre que Ken está realizando unas operaciones de tráfico de drogas sin demasiado futuro. Yamamoto decide ayudarle mostrándole cómo tomar los bajos fondos de Los Ángeles al estilo de la mafia japonesa, es decir, usando matones profesionales que basen sus acciones en un estricto código del honor que chocará con la mentalidad criminal norteamericana.