Kimberly Weeks


Word of Mouth
Script Supervisor
Torri is a prostitute who has risen to the highest ranks of her profession -- she's beautiful, sophisticated, charming, and charges high rates that her wealthy clients are happy to pay. In fact, Torri's renown is such that a documentary filmmaker has decided to make a movie about her life and work.
Getting In
Script Supervisor
Gabriel Higgs has failed to get into Johns Hopkins to study medicine. He's sixth on a list of backup candidates, and must persuade the five people ahead of him to drop out. Gabriel has a family tradition to live up to. Things don't go to plan.
Testigo en la sombra
Script Supervisor
Paul y su novia Katy se ven obligados a huir de la policía después de grabar desde el balcón de su apartamento una brutal paliza de varios agentes a un camello y al que finalmente lanzan al vacío. Los agentes defienden su inocencia ante sus superiores y declaran que la pareja es la responsable del homicidio y que están involucrados en un turbio asunto de drogas. Con toda la policía persiguiéndolos tendrán que aferrarse a la cinta de vídeo como única prueba para demostrar su inocencia.