John Miguel King


The Lady of Heaven
Digital Imaging Technician
Two stories separated by 1400 years. After losing his mother in the midst of a war-torn country, an Iraqi child learns the importance and power of patience by discovering the historical story of Lady Fatima and her suffering.
Digital Imaging Technician
En las afueras de Londres, una pareja portuguesa y padres de tres hijos, Bela y Jota, luchan por llegar a fin de mes. Cuando surge un malentendido en la escuela con su hija sorda, los servicios sociales británicos se preocupan por la seguridad de sus hijos. La película retrata la incansable batalla de estos padres inmigrantes contra la ley para mantener unida a su familia.
Black Sand: A Sandman Story
Richard cannot dream, and has turned to drugs to escape his reality. But when he hears that his dealer has a new drug which can make your dreams come true, he is desperate to get his hands on it.
Action Man: Battlefield Casualties
Director of Photography
A Veterans For Peace UK Film challenging the British Army's policy of recruiting 16 year olds into the most dangerous army jobs.