Ian Morland


Ella has a reputation for two things: being a rebellious punk and the fastest gun around. When corrupt officials try to cover up her father's murder, she cuts a swath through the weird anachronistic underbelly of her small island town.
The Race to Alaska
750 miles. Icy water. No motors. No support. Described as the Iditarod on a boat with a chance of drowning or being eaten by a Grizzly bear, this epic endurance race attracts intrepid, unhinged characters who find their edge on this punishing course.
I am not a serial killer
Sound Recordist
John Wayne Cleaver es un adolescente obsesionado con los asesinos en serie que, pese a sus tendencias sociópatas, hace todo lo posible para no convertirse en uno de ellos. Cuando el frío pueblo del Midwest americano donde vive se ve acechado por una ola de sangrientas muertes, John decide perseguir al culpable, bajo la amenaza de descubrir que él es mucho peor que su enemigo.