Sylva Rossi

Nacimiento : 1908-10-23, Lappeenranta, Finland

Muerte : 1992-11-09


Meiltähän tämä käy
rouva Järvinen
An existential road movie based on a novel of a key Finnish modernist writer.
Raportti eli balladi laivatytöistä
"Harbour Girls" - A journalist is reporting on prostitutes active in the harbor area. He falls in love with the beautiful and different Vuokko.
The Truth is Merciless
Woman outside of courthouse
Vaarallista vapautta
Nurse Sinikka (Pirkko Peltonen) wants to help a prisoner (Toivo Lehkonen) who crosses the border from the Soviet Union. She and her fiancé (Ville-Veikko Salminen) plan a flight via Finland with the help of her mother (Irma Seikkula). Ruth (Maija Karhi), the girlfriend of Sinikka's brother (Antti Litja), happens to witness the escape, which puts them all in danger.
The Boys
When Continuation War started in Summer 1941, German soldiers arrived to Oulu. With their charm they conquered women and town boys. Finnish boys communicated with them on many levels: had trades, worked as interpreters, rotated business, spied on German love adventures and fought with each other about the favor of soldiers. In autumn 1944, the war was ending. Germans left Oulu by leaving behind fragile relationships, bastard kids and unfinished businesses. The most shocking of all was the faith of young Jake...
Oksat pois…
The Day the Earth Froze
Based on Finnish mythology, this movie traces the exploits of Lemminkäinen as he woos the fair Annikki and battles the evil witch Louhi. Louhi kidnaps Annikki to compel her father to build for her a Sampo, a magical device that creates salt, grain, and gold. When Lemminkäinen tries (and fails) to recover the Sampo, Louhi steals the sun, plunging the world into frozen darkness.
Vatsa sisään, rinta ulos!
Kovaa peliä Pohjolassa
An ex-finnish army officer Kari Kivi returns to Finland after 12 years of absence. He is quickly hired by a businessman named Östermalm to be his stand-in to escape the ring of spies threatening his life. Many beautiful women cross Kivi's path before the spy ring is eventually crushed.
Sven Tuuva the Hero
For six hundred years Sweden had controlled most of Finland until the war with Russia that ended in 1809, when Finland became a Grand Duchy of the Russian Czar. This period drama is set during that early 19th-century war and focuses on one of its heroes, Sven Tuuva. Sven is a decent yet not too brilliant soldier, and his exploits are partly balanced here by the charms of a compatriot.
Tweet, Tweet
Young Tirlittan gets rid of her family after being struck by lightning in her home. While looking for a new home, she meets a friendly policeman, a woman with goat, and a ringmaster with whom Tirlittan ends up performing in a circus.
Autuas eversti
The Young Miller
A young man arrives in the village. He becomes a miller and delights the girls in the village, which evokes bitterness in others. He is subject to moralistic criticism, even though he is in fact only in love with the tailor's daughter.
Niskavuori taistelee
The last black-and-white film in the Niskavuori series of movies.
Vihdoinkin hääyö…
Vääpelin kauhu
A Finnish military farce about an elderly man who is commanded back to service.
Musta rakkaus
Worker (uncredited)
Marjatta lives in poor conditions in Tampere with her widowed father Arttu who works as a factory worker. Marjatta gets to know engineering student Pauli whose constantly worsening mental health problems and jealousy become a threat to Marjatta and her close circle.
Lain mukaan
Maria Toikka is called to testify in a trial in which her husband Ville is charged. The assurances show the events that led to the trial from the previous fall, when Patron Oppman begins to approach Maria, offering her money in return for services.
Kiinni on ja pysyy
Onni etsii asuntoa
The everyday life of the small village is mixed when a fire breaks out the night after the party. The cooperative manager and fire manager alerts the young judge Heiki to the extinguishing work, but due to the confusion, extinguishing the fire turns out to be more complicated than expected.
Pekka ja Pätkä lumimiehen jäljillä
Pete and Runt travel to Lapland to hunt the snowman in the hope of a cash reward, and takeJustiina along as a bait.
Niskavuoren Aarne
Iita Tallimiehi (uncredited)
Niskavuori's Aarne (Arne från Niskavuori) is a Finnish drama film from 1954. It is based on Hella Wuolijoki's play Niskavuori's Bread. In chronological order of the Niskavuori series, the film is the fourth. Aarne has married Ilona and left the house in Niskavuori, which he hosts, where his former wife Martta still lives, while the old mistress is holding the reins. Aarne and Ilona live in Helsinki, but Aarne has not been able to completely break away from Niskavuori, but keeps secretly in touch with the headmaster and gives instructions on the farm management.
The Milkmaid
Based on a short story by Johannes Linnankoski. A story of a milkmaid that falls in love with a student on holiday
Kulkurin tyttö
Major's wife
Baron Metter is threatening to evict a crofter family from their home. Lauri Vaara a student passing by, falls in love with Marja the family's daughter, and promises to help save their home. Baroness Olivia Metter falls for the young student and helps him with the rescue plan.
Vain laulajapoikia
Gabriel, tule takaisin
A handsome young womanizer deceive tender women by first charming them and then taking their money.
Köyhä laulaja
Mrs. Vahvaniska
Ruma Elsa
The boyish, temperamental chemistry student Elsa Kassel disapproves of her mother and sisters running after men, but when she hears that she's referred to as "ugly Elsa", she takes on a transformation. The new, charming Elsa tests her attractiveness on men and causes confusion all the way to her mother's new groom, Professor Harjula.
Kilroy sen teki
Ulla Järvinen gets a telegram about the death of her aunt and that she has inherited a manor, but the aunt is very much alive.