The pupils of the Dora Jackson School of Dancing compete in the 1960 Classical Dance Festival in Scarborough. Fifties rock 'n' roll meets classical ballet with the arrival of Dora's ex-boyfriend Clifford and a mysterious ghost.
The pupils of the Dora Jackson School of Dancing compete in the 1960 Classical Dance Festival in Scarborough. Fifties rock 'n' roll meets classical ballet with the arrival of Dora's ex-boyfriend Clifford and a mysterious ghost.
Fat Policeman
In a cell in a London police station, a suspected I.R.A. bomber, Roche, has been detained for questioning. To help them in the interrogation, the London coppers have summoned Nelson, a detective from Northern Ireland's predominantly Protestant police force, the Royal Ulster Constabulary.
Brixton in the early 80s. Viv presides over a cheerfully immoral and variously under-employed bunch of ex-Oxford playmates in her parents' gentrified home. But when Jane's boyfriend introduces a discordant note of reality from the streets, Viv plots her retribution. And behind her double-locked doors there are some hard feelings to contend with.
(Archive Material)
Writer and Director Mike Leigh discusses the techniques used to create his plays.
Sylvia, contable en una oficina, vive con su hermana Hilda, que es algo retrasada, y su pasión es la lectura y tomarse unas copas por la noche. Hilda odia a Peter, un profesor de escuela interesado por las hermanas, pero quiere a Norman, un hippie que trabaja en el garaje de Sylvia, imprimiendo un periódico underground. Sólo cuando Norman toca la guitarra, las cosas parecen fluir amablemente. Todo lo demás es sufrimiento, desorden y oscuridad. Primer largometraje de Mike Leigh que versa sobre la soledad y la incomunicación de los seres humanos.