Tom Ray

Nacimiento : 1919-08-02, Williams, Arizona, USA

Muerte : 2010-04-06


Tom and Jerry's Winter Wackiness
Tom and Jerry's Winter Wackiness movie was released Oct 01, 2013 by the Turner Home Entertainment (T.H.E.) studio. Come in from the cold with Tom and Jerry! The holidays are here! Celebrate the season with Tom and Jerry in these seven cartoon adventures that will battle away your winter blues. Tom and Jerry's Winter Wackiness movie One good chase deserves another, and lots of friends join the fun, whether it's Spike on a sled, a giant abominable snow mouse or a St. Tom and Jerry's Winter Wackiness video Bernard to the rescue with some hearty spirits. Tom and Jerry's Winter Wackiness film No matter how many new friends they make, Tom and Jerry will always be best buddies... but even better enemies. Tom and Jerry's Winter Wackiness review Snuggle up for a snowstorm of fun for the entire family!
Garfield and Friends: Dreams & Schemes
After eating a pound of pasta, Garfield sometimes falls asleep and has some pretty wild dreams -- like the one where he's so huge he can climb tall buildings, or where Odie gets his own cartoon, leaving Garfield to just keep sleeping! And this kitty's not so cool he can't get a little scared, like when he, Jon and Odie discover that a closed-down haunted house is really open, or that leftovers occasionally ran rampant in the fridge. Garfield has a big imagination, too, as you'll see when he imagines himself as a fish or a werewolf, or even Jon for a day! There's much more to the fat cat's story, so grab some pasta, flop on the couch and tune in for some cat-toon fun with Garfield!
Superior Duck
Daffy is supposedly a super hero and tries to show off his "super powers."
Señora Doubtfire, papá de por vida
Willams es padre y esposo. Sus hijos lo consideran un padre maravilloso, pero su mujer está cansada de que se comporte como si también él fuera un niño. Tras un accidentado divorcio, aunque lucha con todas sus fuerzas para conseguir la custodia de los niños, el juez no se la concede. Decide entonces hacerse pasar por una señora mayor para poder ser, al menos, la canguro de sus hijos.
The Bear Who Slept Through Christmas
While the rest of the world is getting ready for Christmas, all the bears in Bearbank are getting ready to sleep… except for Ted E. Bear. Ted gets curious about the holiday, and sets out to learn the meaning of it from Santa Claus himself.
Horton y los microseres
Horton, el conocido elefante de la jungla, nos enseña el valor de la amistad cuando de repente escucha un débil sollozo pidiendo ayuda proveniente de una mota de polvo, y encuentra en su interior un pequeño planeta lleno de vida. A pesar de que no puede verlos, está seguro de que los oye y decide poner a salvo a sus microscópicos habitantes. Gracias al Dr. Who-Vee y a Horton, Whoville sobrevive, y en ese momento nace una gran amistad. “Una persona es una persona, por muy pequeña que sea”.
The Night Before Christmas
Fictionalized account of how Clement C. Moore came to write "A Visit from St. Nicholas." His young daughter, stricken with pneumonia, asks for a Santa Claus story for Christmas. No such story had been written, so Moore writes his famous poem, set to Ken Darby's music and sung by The Norman Luboff Choir.
Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Pink
The Pink Panther buys a land lot atop a narrow mesa, and the house he builds blocks a nearby observatory's view of the Moon. At first, the short, pointy-nosed astronomer at the observatory zooms his huge telescope into the panther's window and believes the newspaper photo of a sexy woman being looked upon by the panther is an actual observation of life on the Moon, and he telephones the fantastic finding to his employers. The Pink Panther builds a brick wall to block the telescope's view, and the hostilities begin.
The Bear That Wasn't
A bear settles down for his long winter nap, and while he sleeps the progress of man continues. He wakes up to find himself in the middle of an industrial complex where nobody believes he's a bear.
Shutter Bugged Cat
Tom watches and studies films of some of his earlier encounters with Jerry, much like game films; he runs them backwards and stops them so he can study them more closely, all the while scribbling notes. Jerry pulls up a box of popcorn and watches, too. Tom notices Jerry and chases him into his hole. Tom designs a better mousetrap, but Jerry alters the plans, so it doesn't work any better than it did the first time the footage was used, in Designs on Jerry (1955).
Matinee Mouse
Tom is chasing Jerry through the back yard. Jerry escapes to a bird house. A bit more chasing. Jerry crashes into the wall. Both decide they've had enough, and wave the truce flag; they go to the movies of themselves, which is an excuse for another bargain clip show. The truce doesn't hold, and eventually the characters on screen stop and take notice.
Duel Personality
Each having submitted his challenge card to the other, Tom and Jerry meet in a field to duel, using as weapons swords, pistols, bows and arrows, cannons and slingshots.
The Dot and the Line: A Romance in Lower Mathematics
A cartoon detailing the unrequited love that the line has for the dot, and the heartbreak that results due to the dot's feelings for the lively squiggle.
Of Feline Bondage
Tom chases Jerry around a pool hall. Jerry's fairy godmouse arrives, and Jerry tells the story; she gives him an invisibility potion. Jerry uses this to do some creative barbering on Tom, but when the potion wears off, Tom gets his revenge, and they both have a good laugh.
Tom-ic Energy
Essentially one long chase scene, in an urban setting; at the end, a dog joins in, to Jerry's annoyance.
Ah, Sweet Mouse-Story Of Life
Tom chases Jerry around a high-rise apartment, and then around the ledge surrounding the building. They torment each other with a compressed air horn. Jerry goes down a drainpipe and Tom follows, stretching himself the length of the pipe (and getting unstuck with help from the air horn).
The Unshrinkable Jerry Mouse
Tom enjoys the role of top cat until an adorable red-and-white-haired kitten is brought into the house of a young blonde woman.
Much Ado About Mousing
When a bulldog tells Jerry to "just whistle" any time that he needs him, Tom's in for big trouble until he puts earmuffs on the mutt.
Is There a Doctor in the Mouse?
Jerry mixes and drinks a high-acceleration potion which renders him so fast that he eats all of Tom's food before the bewildered cat can even see him.
El Coyote y el Correcaminos: Beep o no beep, esa es la cuestión
Wile E. Coyote hopes to stop and catch the Road Runner using a huge, boulder-throwing catapult. But no matter where Wile E. positions himself, the catapult drops the boulder on him.
Bugs Bunny: Loco como un conejo marciano
Marvin el Marciano está monitorizando a través de su telescopio al Planeta Tierra. Pronto decidirá lanzar un misil hacia el objetivo.
Pent-House Mouse
Tom is living the life of luxury, high atop a fancy apartment building. Jerry is starving way down below when he spots a lunchbox on a girder at a construction site. Jerry goes in, the girder goes up, and the lunchbox falls off, landing on Tom, and the chase is on.
El Coyote y el Correcaminos: Liebre comprimida
Bugs battles Wile E. Coyote. A ten trillion volt electric magnet draws everything imaginable.
D' Fightin' Ones
Sylvester Cat and a scrawny bulldog escape from a truck headed for the city animal pound and make like convicts on the lam.
Strangled Eggs
Foghorn Leghorn courts Miss Prissy when a foundling is left on her doorstep. It is Henery the Chicken Hawk.
Hoppy Daze
A pudgy but tough-guy cat recruits Sylvester as his stooge to catch a mouse for his dinner, under the pretense of training Sylvester to be a champion mouser. Sylvester enters a warehouse and runs into the baby kangaroo, Hippety Hopper, and thinks, as usual, that Hippety is a giant mouse that must be fought.
El Coyote y el Correcaminos: Rapidez a raudales
Wile E. Coyote tries to catch the Road Runner using a sling shot, a grenade in a toy airplane whose propeller detaches and leaves the plane behind.
Cannery Woe
Speedy Gonzales helps provide cheese for the mayor's reelection campaign (and two hungry friends) by swiping it from the store guarded by Sylvester.
Dog Gone People
Elmer Fudd agrees to take care of his boss' dog in return for a promotion and finds he must treat the pooch as a human being.
Trip for Tat
Tweety Bird goes on a world tour with his mistress, Granny. And a hungry Sylvester Cat follows them everywhere they go (France, Japan, Switzerland, and Italy).
El Coyote y el Correcaminos:  Herido que anda a saltos
El Coyote trata de atrapar al Corredor de Carretera usando un palo de dinamita en una caña de pescar, una máquina envolvedora de regalos de Navidad y píldoras de terremoto ACME.
The Dixie Fryer
Foghorn Leghorn travels to the deep south to enjoy the sun, but must contend with two yokelish chicken hawks, Pappy and Elvis, who want to roast him for dinner.
Mice Follies
In yet another cartoon spoof of TV's "The Honeymooners", rodents Ralph Crumden and Ned Morton have stayed out too late and return home fearing their wives' wrath...
Gallo Claudio: Vaya un día de exploradores
El Gallo Claudio trata de enseñar a Jr. diversos trucos para la subsistencia del explorador.
Wild Wild World
Television host Cave Darroway introduces a film about the life of Cro-Magnon man in the year 75,000,000 B.C.
Horse Hare
Yosemite Sam leads his Indians against Fort Lariat while Bugs is in charge.
West of the Pesos
Sylvester Cat is a guard at a Mexican experimental laboratory where mice are confined for research. The families of the captured mice place a call to Speedy Gonzales, the fastest mouse in Mexico, to help them rescue their compadres. Speedy comes and engages in the usual battle of wits and feet with Sylvester.
El ratón que Jack creó
Parodia del famoso programa americano "El Show de Jack Benny" protagonizado por un ratón con la personalidad del presentador.
The Littlest Giant
Sponsored by the National Consumer Finance Association, this short film is a lesson about all the things you can do with bank loans.
Rats in Spats
The Kid
Live-action short directed by Irv Spence.