Garrett Thierry


Después de que un estudiante de último año de secundaria que trabaja en su licencia de piloto rescata a un perro llamado Oreo, descubre que su madre es un agente de la CIA que ha sido capturado. Se une a Oreo y un nuevo amigo para encontrar a su madre y descubrir agentes dobles dentro de la CIA.
Christmas Coupon
Ricky Limon
Alison Grant begins teaching ice skating students on a friend's frozen pond after being fired from her rink job. On the first day of class her old high school sweetheart and now famous hockey player, Ivan Hall, unexpectedly shows up when he brings his niece for her skating lessons. While an initially cold reunion ensues, eventually Alison warms up to Ivan again.
Parents David and Andrea lose their third child that they have been awaiting in a miscarriage, leaving David a shell of his former self, replaced now by a self loathing and rage stricken misanthrope. At the behest of their marriage counselor, the two of them along with their two children join their extended family for a remote hunting trip in an attempt to repair their broken lives. But on this trip, they soon find themselves at the mercy of someone much colder and unforgiving than the indifference of the world they attempted to flee, and David's family must decide if it is this new threat they must fear, or what it is David may have become in the face of it.
Lost River
Nightclub Patron (uncredited)
La historia tiene lugar en el entorno surrealista de una ciudad que se desvanece. Cuando un adolescente descubre un camino secreto hacia una ciudad subacuática, su madre se ve arrastrada a un macabro submundo de fantasía.
American Sharia
Fast paced, action packed comedy. Tension flares in The Motor City as Officer Richardson profiles every Muslim he sees as a terrorist. He goes on an arrest frenzy, which makes the community activists, Jihad and Osama take to the streets and rally the people to stand up for their rights. The Chief of Police wants to gain the trust of the Muslim community in order to get re-elected, but Attorney Leila Rodriguez is standing in the way with a discrimination law suit against Officer Richardson and the Motor City Police Department. The Chief calls on his most unreliable detective, Mohammed and partners him with a Middle Eastern, Sharia Law fanatic, Detective Abdul. The Chief wants them to "Speak Muslim To The Muslims" which he thinks will guarantee his re-election. - Written by Omar Regan
American Virgin
Oktoberfest Partier (uncredited)
Priscilla White (Jenna Dewan) es una estudiante universitaria de un grupo que defiende la abstinencia sexual hasta el matrimonio. Pero, a pesar de intentar mantenerse tan pura como su nombre, Priscilla es descubierta en una noche de desenfreno, cuando a regañadientes se emborracha por primera vez en su vida. Su aventura es filmada por una cámara de video. Ahora, ella y sus amigos deberán viajar a través del país para intentar recuperar el material incriminatorio, que se encuentra en poder del alocado productor Ed Curtzman (Rob Schneider).