Sarah Moshman


Taking a look behind the headlines of #MeToo and Times Up, NEVERTHELESS follows the intimate stories of 7 individuals who have experienced sexual harassment in the workplace or school context. From a writer's assistant on a top TV show to a Tech CEO and 911 dispatcher, the film shines a light on the ways in which we can shift our culture and rebuild.
Taking a look behind the headlines of #MeToo and Times Up, NEVERTHELESS follows the intimate stories of 7 individuals who have experienced sexual harassment in the workplace or school context. From a writer's assistant on a top TV show to a Tech CEO and 911 dispatcher, the film shines a light on the ways in which we can shift our culture and rebuild.
Taking a look behind the headlines of #MeToo and Times Up, NEVERTHELESS follows the intimate stories of 7 individuals who have experienced sexual harassment in the workplace or school context. From a writer's assistant on a top TV show to a Tech CEO and 911 dispatcher, the film shines a light on the ways in which we can shift our culture and rebuild.
Losing Sight of Shore
Sigue el extraordinario viaje de cuatro valientes mujeres conocidas como la Tripulación Coxless que se disponía a filar el Océano Pacífico desde San Francisco, CA a Cairns, Australia sin apoyo. Si tienen éxito, serán el primer equipo de cuatro que jamás lograrán esta hazaña fenomenal y peligrosa. Ellos están tomando esta expedición increíble no sólo para desafiarse a sí mismos sino para honrar a las mujeres que han luchado y superado la adversidad. A medida que filas más de 8.446 millas durante sus nueve meses en el mar, se enfrentan a extremos desafíos mentales y físicos que deben superar a fin de ir a la historia. Todo el mundo tiene un Pacífico para cruzar
Losing Sight of Shore
Sigue el extraordinario viaje de cuatro valientes mujeres conocidas como la Tripulación Coxless que se disponía a filar el Océano Pacífico desde San Francisco, CA a Cairns, Australia sin apoyo. Si tienen éxito, serán el primer equipo de cuatro que jamás lograrán esta hazaña fenomenal y peligrosa. Ellos están tomando esta expedición increíble no sólo para desafiarse a sí mismos sino para honrar a las mujeres que han luchado y superado la adversidad. A medida que filas más de 8.446 millas durante sus nueve meses en el mar, se enfrentan a extremos desafíos mentales y físicos que deben superar a fin de ir a la historia. Todo el mundo tiene un Pacífico para cruzar
The Empowerment Project: Ordinary Women Doing Extraordinary Things
The Empowerment Project: Ordinary Women Doing Extraordinary Things is the incredible journey of 5 female filmmakers driving across America to encourage, empower, and inspire the next generation of strong women to go after their career ambitions. Driving over 7,000 miles from Los Angeles to New York over the course of 30 days, the documentary spotlights 17 positive and powerful women leaders across a variety of lifestyles and industries. Along the way, these filmmakers relay the candid insight on how these women define their success, what it takes to be a woman in their position, and valuable advice on how to improve the female role in the workplace. In celebration of the all-female focus in front of and behind the camera, the filmmakers turned the cameras on themselves, capturing their transformational journey. Created for women by women, they challenge the audience to ask themselves, "What would you do if you weren't afraid to fail?"
The Empowerment Project: Ordinary Women Doing Extraordinary Things
The Empowerment Project: Ordinary Women Doing Extraordinary Things is the incredible journey of 5 female filmmakers driving across America to encourage, empower, and inspire the next generation of strong women to go after their career ambitions. Driving over 7,000 miles from Los Angeles to New York over the course of 30 days, the documentary spotlights 17 positive and powerful women leaders across a variety of lifestyles and industries. Along the way, these filmmakers relay the candid insight on how these women define their success, what it takes to be a woman in their position, and valuable advice on how to improve the female role in the workplace. In celebration of the all-female focus in front of and behind the camera, the filmmakers turned the cameras on themselves, capturing their transformational journey. Created for women by women, they challenge the audience to ask themselves, "What would you do if you weren't afraid to fail?"
Amityville Toybox
TV Saleswoman
A cursed antique toy monkey from the original DeFeo home wrecks havoc and possesses a father after being gifted during an annual family reunion.