Vincent Dyer


Pretty as a Picture: The Art of David Lynch
Director of Photography
Documental sobre la obra de David Lynch más allá de su faceta como cineasta: su obra como pintor, fotógrafo y escultor, sus obsesiones artísticas, etc. Incluye entrevistas con sus amigos y con profesionales que han trabajado con él.
Angela Davis: Portrait of a Revolutionary
Director of Photography
"Director Yolande du Luart had been involved in Lettrist circles in France before decamping for California to study film at UCLA, where her classmates included Charles Burnett and Haile Gerima. During this time, UCLA professor Angela Davis was a subject of increasing scrutiny after coming out as a Communist, provoking the ire of administrators and governor Ronald Reagan. Believing that Davis would be an ideal film subject, du Luart immediately began making a documentary, though she would ultimately return to France to complete the project after receiving unwanted attention from the FBI. “Over the course of events,” writes Nicole Brenez, “this appreciative and sensitive portrait of a politically engaged philosopher had been transformed into a call for the liberation of an imprisoned activist and an internationalist revolutionary manifesto.”" - Film at Lincoln Center