Walter Cox

Walter Cox


Walter Cox


Los chicos de la banda
Hotel Manager
Un grupo de amigos gays se reúne en un apartamento de Nueva York para celebrar un cumpleaños. Cuando transcurren las horas, después de beber y de subir el volumen de la música, la velada comienza a exponer las fisuras que existen entre su amistad y el dolor auto-infligido que amenaza con hacer trizas su concepto de la solidaridad.
El precio del dinero
Un policía se junta con un agente del FBI para rastrear a un falsificador.
Invasion Force
Ben Adams
A film crew shooting a movie finds itself battling against terrorists trying to take over a city.
Repo Jake
Jake Baxter takes a job as a repoman with hopes of living the quiet life. Plans go sour when he's whipped into supersonic action, involving a vicious crime lord, a mob of angry car owners, a sadistic porno ring and lastly a brutal, illegal and very lethal car race known throughout L.A.'s underworld as the "Slam Track."
Danger Zone II: Reaper's Revenge
When the leader of a biker gang is released early from prison, he vows revenge on the cop who put him there and kidnaps his girlfriend.
Hell Squad
In order to rescue the son of a diplomat who has been kidnapped by terrorists, a group of Las Vegas showgirls undergo commando training and organize a rescue operation.