"Amazing" centers on a video game company boss, Frank (Eric Mabius of TV's "Ugly Betty"), who is eager to rush his firm's new thought-controlled basketball game to market, despite the objections of the project leader Bingshan (popular Chinese actor Huang Xiaoming), who warns that a bug in the system could escape the computer and infect players' brains.
Un asesino de artes marciales sombrío de Los Angeles es contratado por una bella mujer para vengar la muerte de sus padres, que fueron asesinados por su malvada hermana gemela. Pero cuando el asesino persigue a su objetivo, se siente extrañamente atraído por ella. Atrapado entre su corazón y su deber, finalmente se enfrenta a una nueva revelación devastadora.
Ding Hui is a member of Purple Butterfly, a powerful resistance group in Japanese occupied Shanghai. An unexpected encounter reunites her with Itami, an ex-lover... and officer with a secret police unit tasked with dismantling Purple Butterfly.