Marcos Flórez


Canto Cósmico. Niño de Elche
Documental que se aproxima al Niño de Elche, el músico español más controvertido de los últimos años, desde una perspectiva caleidoscópica que abarca desde su esfera más íntima y familiar a las múltiples reverberaciones de su universo poético. Un retrato con personalidad estética propia que integra además un fecundo diálogo colectivo en torno a esa genealogía artística profundamente española surgida de la dialéctica entre ortodoxia y vanguardia, entre tradición y subversión.
Arima is the story of four women and a girl whose existence is disrupted by the sudden arrival of two strangers. One of them is fleeing from the other, sneaking around town like an elusive being, a ghostly presence of uncertain existence. The other character —an injured man carrying a gun— will disrupt the women's way of life in different ways. The whole plot takes place on the fine line between reality and imagination, between dreams and nightmares, fear and desire, within a story shrouded in mystery.
Fuerzas Invisibles
The bond, the repetition, the simultaneity and the love. The invisible forces that unite the components that would otherwise be dispersed.
Fuerzas Invisibles
The bond, the repetition, the simultaneity and the love. The invisible forces that unite the components that would otherwise be dispersed.
Fuerzas Invisibles
The bond, the repetition, the simultaneity and the love. The invisible forces that unite the components that would otherwise be dispersed.
Fuerzas Invisibles
The bond, the repetition, the simultaneity and the love. The invisible forces that unite the components that would otherwise be dispersed.
Fuerzas Invisibles
The bond, the repetition, the simultaneity and the love. The invisible forces that unite the components that would otherwise be dispersed.
El último verano
Cada noche de verano, en algunos pequeños pueblos, autóctonos y veraneantes se acercan a las plazas para vivir la experiencia de asistir a una proyección de cine al aire libre en 35mm. Para que este evento sea posible hay personas que trabajan sin descanso en jornadas que pueden ser las últimas, ya que el formato fotoquímico tradicional está desapareciendo a favor del cine digital. Este documental narra el periplo veraniego de un empresario de cine al aire libre que se enfrenta a la forzosa reconversión que la era digital ha impuesto a la exhibición cinematográfica. Según explica su directora, "quería contar la historia de una de las personas que más me ha impresionado a lo largo de mi carrera profesional, Miguel Ángel Rodríguez, con el que he trabajado con proyecciones al aire libre durante el verano a lo largo de muchos años. Un perfecto protagonista para mostrar la transición de las proyecciones en celuloide al digital".
Toxos e flores
Natural architectures, still lives, spaces of absolute green and brown lights.
Up against the wall, motherfuckers!
De la revolución y la poesía. De las panderetas, a las armas. Basura, basura, basura! Derechos, derechos, derechos! La segunda mitad de los años 60 del S. XX fue una época convulsa de la que surgieron propuestas y contrapropuestas sobre cómo hacer la revolución. El S. XXI, es una época convulsa. ¿Serás, acaso, un revolucionario?
A man tries to start life in the stone by the volcano spit. An everyday marked by hostility of a beautiful and terrible enviroment.
Béjart Ballet Lausanne au Palais Garnier
Follows the dancers during their arrival at the Opéra Garnier, the shows and the backstage life. The film includes extracts form four of Béjart's choreographies on contemporary music (Boulez, Bartók and Webern): Le Marteau sans maître, Dialogue de l'ombre double, Webern Opus V, and Sonate à trois.
Blow Horn
The movie is filmed as if it were a Mandala, Sanskrit term which designates the symbolic circular diagrams characteristic of Hindu and Buddhist thought. Performer and co-writer is the Jinpa Gyamtso Lama, born in Terrassa, a monk since 1989 and director of several Tibetan Buddhist centers in Spain. The camera accompanies a group of friends who emerge from their retreat to take a trip to India. There, the seemingly unalterable everyday life show not being an impediment to personal searches.
La Concha
Eli is a fun-loving, sexual and rather cheeky woman, but she is also full of doubts and a bit broken. Eli and her baby daughter June spend the afternoon at the beach with her friends, who are almost family. Eli has become a single mother against her will. Having failed miserably in her relationship with her daughter's father and having to leave their home, Eli’s economy is in trouble. A colorful and summery story that portrays a young woman struggling to maintain her joy and dignity as everything around her is falling apart.