Giannis Ageladopoulos


Moon, 66 questions
Visual Effects Supervisor
Tras años distanciada de su familia, Artemis se ve obligada a regresar a Atenas ante el delicado estado de salud de su padre. Descubrir el secreto que tan celosamente guardó su padre durante años permitirá a Artemis entenderle de un modo que no había logrado en toda su vida.
En el fuego
Visual Effects Supervisor
Rojda, originaria del Kurdistán iraquí y soldado del Ejército alemán, viaja a un campo de refugiados situado en Grecia donde logra reencontrarse con su madre, que tiene malas noticias acerca de su hermana Dilan.
Visual Effects Supervisor
Houhou is the visualization of an anti war Greek children's poem. The film explores the thin line between duty and crime, heroism and fearfulness, past and present by diving deep into a soldier's mind.
Cosmic Candy
Visual Effects Supervisor
When a young girl's father suddenly disappears, her weirdo neighbor - an eccentric supermarket cashier - is forced to take care of her.
Visual Effects Supervisor
Niki is a resistance fighter living in a nightmarish dictatorship in Athens, 1972, and Lefteris is her son, who will be forced sooner or later to cut the thread that binds them together.
Success Story
Visual Effects Supervisor
In a country in deep crisis, two worlds collide: the bourgeois milieu of an intellectual psychiatrist, and the humbler, but no less ambitious world of a beautiful working class actress. They fall in love, but they will soon have to face reality.
Christmas Anti-fable
Visual Effects Supervisor
Deep into the soil, a living species is threatened with extinction by a mysterious disease. This Christmas, the three top scientists from Asia, Europe and Africa are called upon to implement a groundbreaking form of treatment: the waveform transformation of a human being. Which of the three will be transformed into a worm to save the entire planet?
Christmas Anti-fable
Special Effects
Deep into the soil, a living species is threatened with extinction by a mysterious disease. This Christmas, the three top scientists from Asia, Europe and Africa are called upon to implement a groundbreaking form of treatment: the waveform transformation of a human being. Which of the three will be transformed into a worm to save the entire planet?
Perfect Strangers
Visual Effects Supervisor
Siete amigos se reúnen para cenar el viernes de luna llena y esa noche los secretos más profundos saldrán a la superficie, sacudiendo sus vidas y amenazando sus relaciones. Remake de la exitosa película italiana 'Perfetti sconosciuti' (2016), dirigida por Paolo Genovese.
Special Effects Supervisor
A Kostis, médico solitario, le toca ejercer en una isla griega. Cuando llega el verano, los turistas y las noches locas, no cejará en sus cada vez más espeluznantes intentos de enchufarse a la pandilla de veinteañeros que acompaña a Anna, joven que le obsesiona, y que le da una de cal y otra de arena.