Vitaliy Kovalenko

Vitaliy Kovalenko


Vitaliy Kovalenko


The Parent
Struggling for a daughter, hooked on heroin, the father had to get acquainted with the underground life of Saint-Petersburg. He doesn’t trust the police. Together with his friend he unravels the drug dealers network in order to stop the drug addiction that conquered the city in the 90s. Will they have enough powers to make it to the end?
The love story of the son of Imam Shamil Jamalutdin and Lisa Olenina against the backdrop of the dramatic events of the military history of Russia in the first half of the 19th century. Jamalutdin went down in history as a "great hostage", and the film is an attempt to answer the question: a hostage of big politics or big love. The historical context of the decline of the Nikolaev era, against which the story of love and betrayal, honor and duty, service to the motherland and loyalty to this word unfolds, will become the key to the film.
Mr. Knockout
The film tells the story of the legendary Soviet boxer Valery Popenchenko, USSR and European champion and winner of the 1964 Tokyo Olympics. His life was a rollercoaster ride of ups and downs - from his childhood in Tashkent’s Suvorov Military School and service as a border guard, to his first victories and failures, and his friendship with Dynamo sports society coach Grigory Kusikyants.
lieutenant-colonel Sviridov
15 August 1990. Viktor Tsoi, the Soviet Union’s most famous rock star, leader of the band Kino, a symbol of freedom and change, dies in an accident on a Latvian highway. The bus driver who was involved in the tragic accident will bring his body back to Leningrad. A party of mourners – Tsoi’s wife and her new boyfriend, his mistress, his producer, his young son and an obsessed photographer – are part of the trip back. This is going to be a long trip, the perfect occasion for an agonizing unravelling of love, jealousy, ambition, and greed.
The Right to Choose
A fatal accident - a hostage taking in a distant country - brings together an important diplomat, his unfaithful wife and her lover. To be saved, they need to act together, but is it possible, when hatred is stronger than the desire to live, a sense of duty is more important than reputation, and betrayal is higher than love?
Get It Right
In a small town not far from Moscow, Natasha, a minor, stands accused of drug dealing and the attempt to bribe the cops has backfired. Awaiting trial, she is not looking to lay blame, she just wants out whatever the cost. The four men in her life – the teenaged boyfriend who would die for her, her mother’s taciturn lover, the careerist detective and Natasha’s absentee father – will need to unite to fight for her freedom. Will they be able to overcome their doubts or will the burden of untold secrets crush them? or will the burden of untold secrets be their end?
The Battle
Anton's stepfather
The dreams of passionate street dancer Anton are crushed when an accidental injury makes him deaf. But it is exactly at this difficult time that he meets his true love and finds his vocation. Anton learns to listen to the music that comes from the inside and to create his own music through a dance that will never be the same. He starts to teach dancing to kids with hearing impairments and prepares a unique act with them. He takes great risks joining his former team with deaf kids for a new dance to take part in the World Championship.
El bailarín
Rusia, 1961. Rudolf Nureyev, el bailarín de ballet más grande de todos los tiempos, viaja por primera vez fuera de la Unión Soviética como miembro de la prestigiosa Kirov Ballet Company. Aunque el KGB sigue de cerca sus pasos y a pesar del gran peligro que conllevaba entonces la deserción, Nureyev huirá tomando una decisión que podría cambiar el curso de su vida para siempre.
He considers himself a genius but the publishers refuse to print his works. He loves women but they don’t always understand him. Constantly without money and out of touch with reality. The elegant fop Daniil Yuvachov names himself Kharms- a name just as effective as his appearance. An habitué of unending literary get-togethers and a lover of scandal. Living in society he is completely separate from it. Kharms throws down a gauntlet to his time, audaciously hurling himself into the vortex of reality, just as vague and arbitrary, with the same contradictions, as represented by his spirit.
Vladimir Aleksandrovich, great Duke
La película cuenta la historia de la relación sentimental entre el heredero al trono ruso, Nikolay Romanov, y la bailarina del Teatro Imperial, Matilda Kshesinskaya, desde la época en que el príncipe heredero tenía 22 años y la bailarina 18 años en 1890, hasta la coronación de Nikolay y su esposa Aleksandra Fedorovna en 1896.
Gogol. Origins
The year 1829. Nikolay Gogol, a young Third Section clerk, is desperate: his own books seem shallow and mediocre, so he keeps buying entire print runs just to burn them all. He is suffering from violent epileptic seizures and struggles to keep on working. Investigator Yakov Guro accidentally witnesses one such fit and realizes that Gogol's visions contain clues that could help solve actual crimes. Together, Gogol and Guro take on a particularly weird and baffling case that brings them to a small village of Dikanka, where everyone has a huge secret to hide.
Hooray! Vacations!
A six-grader is looking for ancient reassure during winter vacations.
Los 28 hombres de Panfilov
Rusia, noviembre 1941. Las tropas alemanas se acercan a Moscú. En los alrededores de la ciudad un grupo de 28 soldados del Ejército Rojo de la división 316, bajo el mando del general Ivan Panfilov, trata de detener el avance de la 11 División Panzer, compuesta por 54 tanques y numerosas tropas del ejército nazi.
О чём молчат французы
The Norseman
Managing position at Nastenka Cleaning Service, whose employees are migrant girls from Asia, comes at the Muscovite Kirillov out of the blue. The situation is complicated by the fact that Kirillov is planning to leave for Norway and expecting his bride, a typical European with a rather rigid interpretation of freedom and tolerance, to come visit. The idea that she will learn about the exploitation of "women of the East" terrifies him and makes him prevaricate in order to hide his "harem"...
Rusia, 1917, la Primera Guerra Mundial. Esta es la historia de la primera rusa Batallón de Mujeres de la Muerte, formada como parte de una estratagema de propaganda mal concebida por el Gobierno provisional ruso a finales de mayo de 1917.
The Sky Court
Денис Рыбаков
The Man at the Window
Alexander Dronov, the actor, didn't have many success in his life. But despite all the troubles he has an important life mission - he's the man at the window.
The Hollow
Basada en la novela de Sergei Essenin, “El Hueco” es un lugar que atrapa a la gente. Si se quedan, morirán. Karev es la única persona que intenta escapar. Rompe todas las tradiciones y sin querer, hace que sus amigos mueran.
Antonina Turned Around
The main character of this one - Antonina - a wife, mother, mistress of the house, wakes up after an unusually bright dream and realizes that she has not lived her whole life as she wanted. There were strangers around, people she didn't like, and it wasn't her life at all. She realizes this so clearly that even at the funeral of her own husband, Antonina does not cry, is not killed, and it seems that this death does not concern her at all. And this is despite the fact that my husband lived a long and prosperous life...
In the last winter of WWII a group of captive German soldiers is brought to a remote Russian village, where widows, a child and a crippled are the only ones left. This is a military drama about those, who can love and forgive.
Your Own Alien Life
Director Andrey Kalistratov is making a multi-part television film about the literary life of Petrograd after the Civil War, about the House of Arts, which was created by the Bolsheviks to control the creative intelligentsia. Modern Petersburg and Petrograd of 1921 are intricately intertwined in the director's mind. The cruel, bloody, but romantic world of the first years of the revolution and the artistic and everyday environment of modern cinema coexist in one space. The main characters of the film that Kalistratov is shooting - the poet and former officer Pyotr Versilov, his girlfriend Olga, the French documentary cameraman Etienne Faberge and his wife Francoise - are as real to the director as the people around him-the film's producer Semyon Mikhailovich, the film crew, actors, friends, acquaintances, relatives. Despite the demands of the producer to be "simpler" and "more economical", Kalistratov wants to make a real historical film, not a standard TV series "soap".