Jasmine Chen

Jasmine Chen


Jasmine Chen is a jazz singer and songwriter from mainland China. She was born in Liaoning province, China, and started studying classical music in England in 2000. She started her first jazz band while she was studying in Leeds College of Music in 2003, she was the band leader and singer. In 2004 she graduated from Leeds College of Music with honor, majored in classical piano performance. In 2005, Jasmine return to China started her singing career in Shanghai, she has become one of China's leading figures in jazz scene. Her style is combining western jazz with Chinese musical elements, introducing Chinese folk and old music to the western world, as well as bringing western jazz to Chinese audiences. She performs in many places in the world, from the most well-known Shanghai jazz club "JZ Club" to Netherlands' Northsea Jazz Festival.


Jasmine Chen


Future Futures
How do we bring our physical bodies with us into our inevitably digitally-bound futures? Collaboratively conceived by director Brian J. Johnson and Vancouver’s acclaimed Company 605, Future Futures is a collection of five short dance films that explore the digital destiny of humankind through a unique merging of camera and visual effects with a specific choreographic vision. Embracing the absurdity of centering dance inside a sci-fi narrative, the experimental series collapses time to portray human culture at an unprecedented moment: the emergence of a new, autonomous, and intelligent being—the digital reflection and culmination of ourselves. Through its otherworldly imagery, choreography, and driving electronic sound score, Future Futures evolves into a strange, highly visual exploration of what we are if we are no longer tied to our physical bodies, and how we will define humanity when faced with a fading IRL existence.
Crazy Rich Asians
Jasmine Chen
Rachel Chu es profesora de economía en la Universidad de Nueva York, allí conoce a Nick Young -profesor de historia- y se enamoran. Ambos tienen que viajar a la ciudad natal de Nick, Singapur, para asistir a la boda de su mejor amigo. Es allí cuando Rachel descubre que su novio pertenece a una de las familias más ricas de Asia y que todas las solteras de clase alta están increíblemente celosas de ella. La joven tendrá que enfrentarse a todas ellas y demostrar a la familia de su novio que ella también es digna de estar con él.