Sergey Kazakov


While St. Petersburg is shocked by a series of strange suicides, Yegor prepares to move to Moscow to forget the past and start a new life. His plans change when he meets Karina - the girl is sure that all the victims did not commit suicide of their own free will. Together, the young people will try to stop the deaths behind the creepy Man in White.
Red Dog
Supervising Editor
On the Eastern front in 1941, German troops attack a Red Army's field hospital destroying it and causing a massive loss of life. The surviving soldiers try to fight back but have to retreat, among them a young pilot , Vyacheslav with his dog Red. Having survived the German onslaught they are sent to the front line where Red will prove his courage...
Red Dog
On the Eastern front in 1941, German troops attack a Red Army's field hospital destroying it and causing a massive loss of life. The surviving soldiers try to fight back but have to retreat, among them a young pilot , Vyacheslav with his dog Red. Having survived the German onslaught they are sent to the front line where Red will prove his courage...
El Código de Caín
La reconocida periodista Sara Ogden, recorre el mundo en busca de portadores de un "Sello de Caín" fatalmente peligroso para prevenir eventos aparentemente no relacionados, como asesinatos en masa, disturbios, revoluciones y caos. Ni siquiera sospecha lo cerca que está del borde del abismo, cuando en su búsqueda termina en Bielorrusia para encontrarse cara a cara con la persona a quien ha estado buscando toda su vida.