Aleksandra Miasnikova


Once Upon a Mine
Director of Photography
Desperate to escape from his home village which has been overtaken by the war in Donbas, a young man deals with numerous obstacles, following his dream. The last obstacle, however, can take his life. A story about a war inside of each person, a mine that many Ukrainians stepped on, and being afraid to accept change.
The Wonderpill
Athena Cockburn suffers from heavy migraines and lost her vim and vigor. Her boyfriend, Jacob York, has enough of the stagnating sex life with her and comes up with the brilliant idea to trick her into taking a fake pill to treat her migraines. But is he ready for a nymphomaniac?
El Código de Caín
Camera Operator
La reconocida periodista Sara Ogden, recorre el mundo en busca de portadores de un "Sello de Caín" fatalmente peligroso para prevenir eventos aparentemente no relacionados, como asesinatos en masa, disturbios, revoluciones y caos. Ni siquiera sospecha lo cerca que está del borde del abismo, cuando en su búsqueda termina en Bielorrusia para encontrarse cara a cara con la persona a quien ha estado buscando toda su vida.