Best Boy Grip
Después de soportar horribles condiciones de trabajo durante cinco años, Sophia finalmente es elegida para una tan esperada transferencia de su ingrato trabajo de maestra en una escuela secundaria difícil. Extasiada por comenzar una nueva vida enseñando en el Liceo Francés de Barcelona, sus esperanzas se desvanecen cuando un profesor bien conectado y sobrecualificado de una escuela de lujo de París interviene para ocupar el puesto. Decidida a mantenerse firme, Sophia y su inteligente vecino, el Sr. Picard, unen sus fuerzas para sabotear la candidatura de su competidor.
Lighting Design
Alex, a professional tourist guide, is asked to welcome Sacha,a young woman of Russian extraction. She has participated in a contest and, consequently, won a one-week stay in Geneva. From the outset, the young woman shakes up Alex's plans and drags him along with her through a risky and hazardous treasure-hunt at the confines of Eastern Switzerland. Wanted by the police and hunted down by the mafia, Alex and Sacha decide to shake off their pursuers by moving about more slowly than the others: they then advance through lakes and other roundabout ways. While Alex and Sacha sink deeply into an ever stranger Switzerland, they will observe, discover, oppose and finally love each other to the vanishing point.