Oldřich Slavík

Nacimiento : 1933-12-15, Bélá pod Bezdézem, Ceskoslovensko

Muerte : 1996-06-26


Jaroslav Stehlík (uncredited)
And Nobody Weeps For Me
The Frog Prince
When a young princess, instead of being fully dedicated to her love, persists in running around like a tomboy and roaming the forests with her gang, and a young prince refuses to give up all his vices and mischief, an aquaphobic fairy takes their fate into her hands. The princess then falls in love with the prince, who declares eternal fidelity to her. When he however breaks this promise, the fairy turns him into a frog. With which the loyalty of the princess is being tested as well.
Little Tom Thumb
Little Tom Thumb's evil stepmother exploits him amd makes his life very hard, so the little shepherd boy decides to leave home and seek happiness in the world outside. There little Tom Thumb meets the Wind Mother, Forest Mother and a little old man on his way. Each of them gives him a chore to do that earns him a gift with magical power, which comes in handy when he has to defeat Scrooges, Lop-Eared Man and the Devil himself. While traveling in the world and looking for happiness, he realises he misses his grandmother and little sister...
Soudce a drahokam
Bičianka z doliny
The comedy based on the novel of Zuzka Zguriška whose story takes place at the Myjavske Kopanice.
Zlatá panna
Požehnaný věk
Před premiérou
Světlo bezesných nocí
Chlapi jak se patří
Prokop Diviš
Strom vědění dobrého
Skandál v Březůvce
Zbojníci a žandáři aneb Jánošík
Jak měl Rumcajs Cipíska
Jak měl Rumcajs Cipíska
Stage Director
Pohádkový zákon
Jak se stal Rumcajs loupežníkem
Jak se stal Rumcajs loupežníkem
Stage Director
Brigitka a já
Tím hůř, když padnou
Míček Flíček
Deset dní za lásku
Ševci z Nummi
Zločincem proti své vůli
Kaktus, bomba, letadlo
All My Good Countrymen
El título "Todos mis buenos compatriotas" no está exento de ironía, ya que esta historia épica de la vida de un pueblo checo, poco después del final de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, se concentra en las actividades de un grupo de amigos a los que no se les puede reprochar ponerse del lado de un político corrupto régimen para el avance material. ¿Son estos los "buenos compatriotas" del título o se refiere al resto de la aldea que desprecian a esta pequeña figura de autoridad con desprecio silencioso?
Čepice pro kašpárka
Poslední etapa
Jdi za zeleným světlem
Komedie o Anešce, královně siciliánské
Případ korneta Jelagina
Kruté štěstí
Sjezd abiturientů
The Day the Tree Blooms
Young Man
Based on a novel by Maria Majerova, this well-photographed but routine romantic drama is directed and co-scripted by Vaclav Krska. Set in a more old-fashioned time, the story centers around Lenka (Suzana Fisarskova), a young woman with a domineering, psychologically abusive father. When Lenka falls in love she suffers the ultimate injustice when her father and her family forbid her to marry the man. They see no advantage in such a union and want her to marry a wealthy local landowner instead, for obvious reasons. But Lenka is not as submissive as they think and she runs away to the city to look for the man she loves -- only to find a serious problem, though a surmountable one, is waiting for her.
Policejní hodina
The Road Back
Karel Kučera
Czechoslovakian crime film
The Black Battalion
young man
A fictionalized account of Czech soldiers who fought for the French Foreign Legion in Vietnam.
Silvery Wind
Second half of the 19th century. In a small town in South Bohemia, fifth-former Jan Ratkin is living through the confusions of first love together with his classmates.
Anna the Proletarian
Young Man from Stromovce
The movie describes proletarian life in the Czech Lands after World War I.
Mikoláš Aleš