Maury Cooper


¿Quién se queda con Wesley?
Oliva quiere formar una familia, pero su marido, Clay, está ocupado en convertirse en una estrella del hockey. Al borde del divorcio, la pareja no se pone de acuerdo en la custodia de su perro Wesley
Hermann Haber
At the brink of World War I, Fritz Shimon Haber was Germany's greatest chemist. Haber's Nobel prize-winning synthetic fertilizers saved world's population from mass starvation. But as World War I broke out killing millions of German soldiers, the desperate German forces asks Shimon Haber to provide the army with new kind of weapon. Haber has already sacrificed his and his family's Jewish identity in order to become a respectable German citizen. With his decision to invent such a weapon, Haber was the first scientist in human history to unleash a weapon of mass destruction. Later he paid the ultimate price for his ambition as his wife Clara committed suicide and his invention was used for murdering millions of Jewish people during World War II.
Siegfried Haber
At the brink of World War I, Fritz Shimon Haber was Germany's greatest chemist. Haber's Nobel prize-winning synthetic fertilizers saved world's population from mass starvation. But as World War I broke out killing millions of German soldiers, the desperate German forces asks Shimon Haber to provide the army with new kind of weapon. Haber has already sacrificed his and his family's Jewish identity in order to become a respectable German citizen. With his decision to invent such a weapon, Haber was the first scientist in human history to unleash a weapon of mass destruction. Later he paid the ultimate price for his ambition as his wife Clara committed suicide and his invention was used for murdering millions of Jewish people during World War II.
Under the City
A Billion for Boris
In this family-friendly sequel to Freaky Friday, teenaged Boris realizes that his television set is somehow receiving broadcasts from the future, so he starts betting piles of cash on horse races and making himself outrageously rich. Boris is on top of the world...until he discovers that something this good doesn't come without a price.
Third Doctor
Dos jóvenes médicos internos, Susan Wheeler y Mark Bellows, hacen su período de prácticas en el Boston Memorial Hospital. Casualmente, una joven amiga suya sufre una inesperada reacción a la anestesía que le provoca un coma. Esta situación da pie a que Susan descubra una macabra organización que funciona amparada por la eficaz asistencia hospitalaria del centro.
The Secret Life of John Chapman
College Chairman
The true story of John Chapman, a college president who took a sabbatical and went out and got a job as a general laborer, to try to experience life outside his well-ordered but insulated college environment.