Jill Killinger


Memorias del corazón
Rebecca Vega no recuerda nada de lo que le pasó antes de despertarse, hace 8 años, en la cama de un hospital. Un día tiene un encuentro casual con una antigua conocida y empieza a esclarecer su pasado. Al final, descubre que es madre de tres hijos y, a pesar de las reticencias de su antiguo marido, luchará para recuperar a su familia.
Escape Through Time
'Calamity' Jill
Some time in the 21st century, Kovarick, said to be the most evil man who ever lived, is met by a resistance force. One of their members, Dr. Bahler, invents a time distorter held within a ring, which he uses to go back to ancient Egypt, where he dies. 75 years before he left, the ring is found by scientists, who are killed by a small mafia group, but not before it is thrown to a bum, who pawns it for fifty cents.