Petros Xekoukis

Petros Xekoukis


Petros Xekoukis
Petros Xekoukis


Love at 16
With the arrival of a self-confident and rebellious beautiful girl in the village, a romantic 16-year-old will be in for a surprise, as the unprecedented feelings of love and passion will offer a gradual but marvellous passage to adulthood.
Ένας επικίνδυνος άνθρωπος
Ο Πανταχού Παρών
Ακάκιε Τα Μανούλια Να Είναι Φίνα
Κορίτσια στον βούρκο
Ερωτική έκρηξη
Κλεφτρόνι αγάπη μου
Κλασική Περίπτωση Βλάβης
High School with Crazy
Four girls high school expelled because of Tryphon, the seducer of the school. The Trifonas flirt with many girls and when they decide to throw rotten vegetables, manage to throw in not Tryphon but in high school gymnast. All high school begins a fight to help. They are trying to postpone the council of teachers and to convince Lykeiarchi suspend the expulsion. When all these fail the students resort to eikoniki..aftoktonia.
Ο τελευταίος χούλιγκαν
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