La fantástica historia de cómo un antiguo arte marcial, el kung fu chino, conquistó el mundo a través de los cientos de películas que fueron producidas en Hong Kong durante décadas, transformó el cine de acción occidental e inspiró el nacimiento de movimientos culturales como la blaxploitation, la música hip hop, el parkour y el cine de Wakaliwood.
The problems that confront the remote communities on the Tiwi Islands of the Torres Strait are similar to those that confront young people everywhere – but isolation and a lack of things to do make the young people of these communities particularly vulnerable to crime and substance abuse. The "strong men" of the community is a group determined to solve the problem themselves, by offering positive role models and beneficial activities to the young people. In this documentary, we see these leaders take young people away from the township to experience traditional hunting and living, and to hear the stories of their elders.