Hitler Meets Christ premiered at the Cinequest Film Festival in 2007 and went on to play at other festivals internationally. Written as a play by Michael Moriarty entitled "Hitler and Christ meet Death at the Port Authority Bus Station" while living in New York and acting in Law & Order, it was adapted for screen after Moriarty moved to Vancouver Canada. The film was produced by Brendan Keown and Jeremy Dyson of Third Tribe Productions and directed by Brendan Keown.
Evan Wheeler
Cinco amigas veinteañeras, Kate, Page, Shelly, Lily y Dorothy, al acercarse el día de San Valentín, intentan arreglar sus vidas amorosas. Sin embargo, una extraña cita acaba con el asesinato de una de ellas a manos de un psicópata enmascarado que, previamente, le había enviado una morbosa tarjeta de San Valentín. Después del funeral, las demás empiezan a recibir amenazas a través de tarjetas y mensajes.