Toni Blair


The Radiant One
A troubled man turns himself in, believing he's harmed others but is at war with himself over the facts surrounding his quest for clarity and a brush with supernatural phenomena.
Aunt Rita
A stunning example of a chance meeting at a book signing, evolving into a set of events leading to murder - after murder - after murder! Kevin, a newly successful author, crosses path with a manipulative and seductive young woman, Summer, and her unsavory associates. A simple indiscretion quickly becomes a web of kidnapping, blackmail, and cold-blooded killings; the characters range from being naive to conniving, leading an audience wondering who the real victim is in this sordid one-night-stand.
Y entonces llegó ella
JC Superstar Singer
Reuben Feffer le tiene aversión al riesgo, pero su ordenada y planificada vida se complica cuando, durante su luna de miel, su mujer se interesa por un musculoso instructor cubano de submarinismo. Al mismo tiempo, entra en escena Polly, una amiga suya de la infancia, que lo introduce en los deportes de riesgo, la comida picante y el baile de la salsa. En definitiva, le enseña a vivir despreocupadamente y a disfrutar de cada momento.