Harlan Hogan


Fannie's Last Supper
"Fannie's Last Supper" reveals the origins of American cooking and explores how the culinary expert Fannie Farmer sowed the seeds of the modern food revolution.
Loneliness and regret encompass a small neighborhood in Chicago, and its residents will do anything to change their lives. Under divine circumstances, they are given their wish. Dimension follows the tragic tale of Chance Pullman, and the way in which his own troubled past comes to affect and change the lives of those who come into contact with him. A reminder of how the littlest things often have the biggest consequences, Chance provides strangers and close friends with the opportunity to completely alter their life, but with one limitation: They can only change exactly three inches about themselves.
Años 60. Cuatro amigos de clase obrera de un pequeño pueblo de Indiana, encaran su futuro una vez acabado el instituto. Tenemos a Danilo, un inmigrante yugoslavo, que sueña con ser un escritor; a Tom, guapo y atlético, que debe acudir a la llamada del ejército; a David, un chico indeciso que no sabe si quiere unirse al negocio funerario de la familia; y a la encantadora Georgia, que sueña con una vida de aventura bohemia a través de la danza. Sin embargo, la ilusión y el descaro propio de los adolescentes no tarda en chocar frontalmente con la alarmante y convulsa situación que va germinando en Estados Unidos a medida que avanza la década. (FILMAFFINITY)