Andreas M. Wolter


Rex Gildo: The Last Dance
Rex Gildo’s songs and musicals made him very popular. His best-known song was “Fiesta Mexicana” from 1972. Rosa von Praunheim tells the story of his life in the context of the gay pride movement, the normative pressures of the Schlager music industry, and the profound changes currently underway.
Original Music Composer
Lars, a male nurse from Saarbrücken, moves to Berlin with his lover, Roland. They begin to renovate an apartment and their happiness seems almost complete. What Roland doesn’t know is that, while secretly checking out Berlin’s night life, Lars is also experimenting with a deadly poison.
Friendship of Men
In this docudrama Rosa von Praunheim looks into Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’s sexual orientation, especially into his erotic experiences during his travels in Italy. Contrary to the common belief, von Praunheim argues that Goethe was not a heartbreaker and conqueror after all. It was only in Italy, that he had diverse sexual experiences, not least with men. Von Praunheim bases his assumption on letters written by Goethe to his friend Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi about these sexual encounters. Some of the content of these letters is re-encated in the film. At the same time, historians and linguists analyse and classify the letters into their historical context.
Tough Love
Half documentary, half docu-drama about a German karate champion, who used to be a successful pimp...
How I Learned to Love the Numbers
How I Learned to Love the Numbers is a New York film and at the same time the study of a young man suffering from an obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). The Berlin filmmaker Oliver Sechting (37) and his co-director Max Taubert (23) travel to New York with the idea of documenting the art scene there. However, the project is quickly overshadowed by Oliver's OCD, and the two directors fall prey to a conflict that becomes the central theme of their film. Encounters with such artists as film directors Tom Tykwer (Cloud Atlas), Ira Sachs (Keep The Lights On), and Jonathan Caouette (Tarnation) or the transmedia artist Phoebe Legere seem more and more to resemble therapy sessions. At last, Andy Warhol-Superstar Ultra Violet succeeds in opening a new door for Oliver.
Ralf König, rey de los cómics
La directora de cine Rosa von Praunheim, procedente de Letonia, y especializada en cine documental, se acerca al universo creativo del famoso dibujante de cómics alemán Ralf Köning que, a finales de los ochenta, se hizo un hueco en el mundillo underground gracias a un trabajo con el que consiguió mucha repercusión internacional: "El hombre deseado" (que más tarde se convertiría en película). Köning otorgaba a sus viñetas un aire desinhibido y gamberro, hablaba de temas delicados sin ningún tipo de tapujos y se acercó a los tabúes (especialmente las relaciones homosexuales, la promiscuidad y el sida) aportando un toque de humor. El documental repasa su trayectoria y se adentra en las inquietudes del artista, en su proceso creativo, al mismo tiempo que el autor nos desvela las armas intelectuales que ha vertido en sus trabajos más célebres, así como su intención, desde que era joven de luchar contra la fachada moral de la sociedad biempensante a través de la sátira más afilada.
Genossen, Gäule und Galopp - Pferdewetten in der DDR