Sydney Conrad Shapiro


Dangerous Heart
Script Supervisor
A cop begins to turn to booze and cocaine during a tough undercover assignment. When a big drug-buy goes sour and the cop ends up with a million in cash, he decides to take off with the money. The drug dealer catches up with him, but he dies before revealing where he stashed the cash. Months later, the drug dealer finds the cop's wife and seduces her, in an effort to find his missing million. In the process, he falls in love with her and alienates his former partners in crime.
Con el arma a punto
Script Supervisor
Un inconformista policía de Los Ángeles recibe como compañero a un veterano a punto de jubilarse. Ambos investigarán el asesinato de una compañera. Parodia del cine de acción, en concreto de las "buddy movies": películas alrededor de una pareja de policías con diferentes personalidades.
Two outer-space aliens visit Earth with the intention of blowing it up, but they meet a hot blonde and decide to postpone the planet's destruction in order to try to score with her.
Falso testigo
First Victim
Baltimore. Sylvia ve cómo atacan a una chica desde la ventana del dormitorio de Terry, su amante. El agresor huye y su víctima se salva. Pero esa misma noche otra chica aparece asesinada.