Freek Quartier


Las crónicas de Fabulandia
El Señor Búho, encaramado en su árbol, lee cada mañana “Las Crónicas de Fabulandia”, el periódico local, en el que se narran las maravillosas historias que tienen lugar en Fabulandia y, especialmente, los percances, las disputas, las experiencias y las emociones de sus variopintos habitantes. La señorita Clara, el señor Cuervo y el resto de la pandilla forman una divertida comunidad. Y aunque sus personalidades a menudo chocan, siempre se cuidan el uno al otro.
El Monstruo de Nix
Background Designer
Life is good in the idyllic fairytale village of Nix... until an all-devouring monster appears. Young Willy has to fight it. Alone.
Amphibious 3D
Marine biologist Skylar Shane hires an expat charter boat captain, Jack Bowman, to help her find prehistoric life form samples in the north Sumatran Sea. During the expedition, they run into some of Jack's 'friends', a gang of smugglers headquartered on a fishing platform in the middle of the sea. Tamal, an orphan sold into servitude on the fishing platform by his uncle, a 'Dukun' (sorcerer and master of black magic) shaman, begs Skylar to take him away. She empathizes with the boy, who reminds her of her lost daughter, Rebecca, and is determined to help him, not knowing what lurks beneath the dark inky water, waiting to surface. Ever since Tamal arrived, mysterious things begin to happen, until one by one the smugglers will be killed by the terrifying creature from the deep. In the middle of an eerie, violent storm, the animus inside Tamal grows stronger, calling for the ancient creature of his nightmares...
El secreto del libro de Kells
3D Animator
Brendan es un joven monje de 12 años que vive en una remota abadía fortificada de Kells, en la Irlanda del siglo IX. Con los otros hermanos, ayuda a construir una muralla para resistir los asaltos de los vikingos. Pero una nueva vida de aventuras se presenta ante él cuando conoce a un famoso maestro que llega de tierras extranjeras, cuidando de un antiguo libro mágico que está inacabado. Con la esperanza de terminarlo, Brendan saldrá de la abadía por primera vez y se internará en el peligroso bosque, habitado por todo tipo de criaturas…
The Legend of Lune
In a universe divided in two, Lune, a fearless teenager, lives with her family in the Forest. The motto there is to live from hand to mouth, carefree and a lot of naps, which is not Lune's taste. Her dream is to go behind the thick layer of mist that surrenders their forest. Following the disappearance of her brother, she finds herself in the City and discovers a thrilling world of technology, where time is counted through the production of magical energy, which is slowly destroying her native Forest. With the help of her newly adopted brother, a nervous but attaching guy named Joe, and his friends, she will restore a new balance.