Heinz Schubert

Heinz Schubert

Nacimiento : 1925-11-12, Berlin, Germany

Muerte : 1999-02-12


Heinz Schubert


Los falsificadores
Berlín, 1936. Sorowitsch (Karl Markovics), el rey de los falsificadores de moneda, es un judío sin escrúpulos que cree que "la manera más rápida de ganar dinero es fabricar dinero". Nada le importa lo que está sucediendo a su alrededor, ni siquiera la situación de los judíos. Sin embargo, cuando estalla la guerra, es arrestado y llevado a un campo de concentración nazi, donde se ve obligado a trabajar con otros falsificadores. Su misión: fabricar libras esterlinas y dólares americanos. A cambio, sus condiciones de vida son mejores que las de los demás prisioneros. Sin embargo, esta situación les plantea a algunos un dilema moral: cooperar con sus verdugos equivale prolongar la guerra y facilitar la victoria de la Alemania nazi.
Ein Mann zum Vernaschen
Princesse Marie
Professeur Wagner-Jauregg
The story of Napoleon Bonaparte's grandniece, the famous Princess Marie, her friendship and her work with Sigmund Freud.
Learning to Lie
Onkel Bertram
18-year-old school boy Helmut falls in love with fellow pupil Britta. He starts working for a Peace movement to get to know Britta. Britta, however, suddenly moves to San Francisco to live with her father and whilst there, finds a new boyfriend. Helmut studies, literature and politics in his home town and have a relationship with another girl from his former school, now studying medicine at the same university but they break up after having an affair with her roommate. Helmut begins a lot of short affairs with different women but still searches for his first girl.
The Volcano
A singer flees from Nazi Germany, travels to Paris and befriends a young writer, his lover and a professor.
Alfons Schambeck
Hundert Jahre Brecht
Baby Rex
A TV movie explaining the origins of the famed police dog, Kommissar Rex. Prequel to the long-running Austrian/German TV series.
Der Coup
Anton Beck
Every Man for Yourself
Georges Flavier, once renowned Parisian hairdresser, lives alone since the death of his son and the departure of his wife. One night, he saves a stranger from drowning in the Canal Saint-Martin.
Der Fall Lucona
Kurt Bach
Geboren 1999
Stein und Bein
Erwin Stein
Europe in the Evening
Die Frau des Kommissars
Das schöne irre Judenmädchen
Love Is Not an Argument
The relationship of a married couple in their 40s is broken when the mother has an affair with her teenage daughter's boyfriend.
Konrad, el niño que salió de una lata de conservas.
Apotheker Egon
La señora Bertolotti tiene una manía: es aficionada a enviar cupones para recibir a cambio diversos objetos. Un día le llega un paquete especial: un niño de siete años dentro de una lata de conservas.
Marmor, Stein und Eisen bricht
Biopic of tragic Schlager singer Drafi Deutscher.
Die Präsidentin
Feine Gesellschaft – Beschränkte Haftung
Obscene: The Case of Peter Herzl
Dr. Dieter Flake
A West German man, mistaken by the police for a left wing terrorist, hides in Vienna with a prostitute and her incestuous teen daughter. They become both a threesome and a happy surrogate family, but nothing lasts forever.
Es begann bei Tiffany
Leo Timpe
Der alte Feinschmecker
Hitler: A Film from Germany
Zirkusdirektor, Himmler, Himmler-Puppenspieler, Hitler
Not porno, not underground film, not a good entertainment film, not documentary, not social criticism nor Hollywood boulevard film or horror show: rather a journey into the midst of night, a hell ride to paradise lost, into our inner self. The mystery play of a historical dance of death in the black studio of our phantasy, the ascetic “Trauerarbeit” (toils of mourning) on the end of an epoch, millions of dead. In old times one would have called it an epos, a poem, requiem, oratorio; an attempt to find a new German identity through film. And also about the heritage of Hitler in our present world, something about the infernal victory of quantitative democracy; about the calmness of melancholy and the thesis that Hitler can only be defeated with Richard Wagner.
Fernando el radical
Ferdinand Rieche
El protagonista de la película —la más convencional de Kluge desde el punto de vista narrativo— es Ferdinand Rieche, un ex comisario que, tras ser expulsado de la policía a raíz de su escaso entusiasmo por las limitaciones impuestas por el estado de derecho, encuentra trabajo como responsable de la seguridad de una planta química. Después de haber demostrado con creces su disparatado celo profesional y su mezquindad personal, Rieche vuelve a ser despedido y se propone poner al descubierto por cuenta propia las lagunas existentes en la protección que reciben los cargos políticos del país. En Ferdinand el radical tenemos, pues, una divertida sátira sobre uno de los personajes prototípicos de la Alemania de la época, el del pequeño-burgués fanáticamente obsesionado con la seguridad.
Ist Onkel Jack ein Konformist?
Die Dreigroschenoper
Der Held
Die Räuber
Pastor Moser
Der Richter von Zalamea
Über den Gehorsam. Szenen aus Deutschland, wo die Unterwerfung des eigenen Willens unter einen Fremden als Tugend gilt
Der grobe Gehorsam
Die Reisegesellschaft
Herr Follenvie
Lösegeld für Mylady
A well-off couple adopt a 16-year-old boy from an orphanage in West Berlin, but their attempts to help him assimilate into his new surroundings fail. The repressive tolerance of the well-educated adoptive parents is just too much for the mischievous young boy: he shoots the father.
Spiel mit dem Tode
Doktor Usikow
Liebe für Liebe
Funeral en Berlín
Aaron Levine
El jefe del servicio de espionaje soviético, el coronel Stock, proyecta huir a Occidente. Harry Palmer, un hombre que ejerce de espía a la fuerza tras haber sido atrapado en un sucio asunto, es enviado a Berlín para ayudar a Stock, pero para ello tendrá que cambiar de identidad.
Der Mann mit der Puppe
Lionel Bellows
Der Ritter vom Mirakel
Der zerbrochene Krug
Schreiber Licht
Das Gespenst von Canterville
Emilio y los detectives
Remake de una película alemana de 1931, adaptación de una novela de Erich Kastner dirigida al público infantil que se tituló "Emil und die Detektiven". Un grupo de precoces detectives tratan de recuperar 400 marcos de la abuelita de uno de ellos, que han sido robado por un maleante que se sirvió de la hipnosis para tal fin.
Der gelbe Pullover
Dicky Wright
Doktor Murkes gesammeltes Schweigen
George Appleby
Meine Tochter und ich
Bit by Bit
A mother wants to buy a bike for her son, but she doesn't have enough money.
Auf der Sonnenseite
Felix Schnepf
The story of the steel melter Martin Hoff, whose factory delegates him to a drama school, corresponds to the real life of the actor Manfred Krug. Like his (film) hero, Krug works as a steel melter, does artwork, sings and acts, and is sent to drama school. Like his hero, who behaves anarchically and conspicuously, Krug is soon expelled from school.
Italienisches Capriccio
Mutter Courage und ihre Kinder
During the Thirty Years' War, the camp-follower Anna Fierling, called "Mother Courage", travels the length and breadth of Europe with her covered wagon. She does not care if it's Catholics or Protestants she trades with as long as business thrives. She loses her three children as a result of the war: bold and spirited Eilif, sincere and upright Swiss Cheese and mute Katrin, who saves the children of Halle by beating a drum on a farmstead roof In wartime, the Fierling children's virtues prove to be deadly. Yet, Mother Courage, remains incorrigible. She will not have anyone "spoil the war" for her and so sets out once more after the soldiers with her wagon.
The Tinder Box
Der Geizige
A young soldier discovers three chests of copper, silver and gold and an old tinder-box in the hollow of an old oak tree. He is now rich. But he squanders the money until it is all gone. All he has left is the old tinder-box. He uses it to light a small pipe and three large dogs come to his rescue. Based on the fairy-tale by Hans Christian Anderson.
They Called Him Amigo
Dicker Gestapo-Mann
A refugee from a Nazi concentration camp is discovered by some boys in WWII Berlin. They provide him with food and help him to continue his flight. Later one of the boys, the son of a communist, is charged with theft, arrested and sent to a concentration camp.
Die Geschichte vom armen Hassan
Meine Frau macht Musik