Sharma Vibhoutee

Sharma Vibhoutee


Sharma Vibhoutee


Psychiatrist couple Aparna and Rajeev Kapoor have been so tied up in fixing the people coming to them that they have neglected their own daughter Cookie who grows up to be a violent and rebellious teenager. When cookie ends her life and destroys her parents lives she comes back to release all of her anger and seek vengeance.
Tiger está vivo
Tiger es un espía del RAW, el departamento de investigación y análisis del gobierno de la India, que durante una complicada misión en Dublín se enamora de Zoya, una estudiante de danza que resulta ser una espía del ISI paquistaní. Ambos deciden luchar por su amor, engañando a sus respectivas agencias de inteligencia para fugarse juntos, corriendo el peligro de que sus perseguidores puedan atraparlos.
Ok Jaanu
Adi and Tara move to Bombay to pursue their dreams. A chance meeting sparks off a heady, no strings attached romance until their careers pull them apart. Will ambition prevail over matters of the heart?