Ellie Maddox
La sexóloga Rebecca Mathis (Shannon Tweed) se ve obligada a cooperar con la policía en la búsqueda de un asesino. Sus victimas potenciales son los terapeutas sexuales, por ello la policía quiere utilizar a Rebecca como cebo para atraparle.
Det. Jessica Parreti
Sam Dietz is back and must find and stop another serial killer before he kills again. Detective work for Dietz is tough having to juggle two gorgeous women - one his partner, and the other his shrink, who holds the key to the case.
Tracey McDermot
A strange love story set in Las Vegas.
Allison Grey
Prospective series pilot about a maverick, motorcycling insurance investigator who uses unorthodox methods to smoke out the truth behind every claim that crosses his desk, and here looks into a life insurance claim when the wife of a second-rate race car driver appears to have died in an accident.
Caroline Angelo
Un científico logra incrementar de forma extraordinaria la inteligencia de un deficiente mental mediante una combinación de drogas y realidad virtual. Pero el poder cerebral de este individuo pronto escapa al control del científico