Griffin McElroy

Griffin McElroy

Nacimiento : 1987-04-17, Huntington, West Virginia, USA


Sweet baby brother and 30 under 30 media luminary Griffin McElroy is an American podcaster and former video game journalist. He often collaborates with his two older brothers, Justin and Travis, on various projects including podcasts and video content. He is one of the founding editors of Polygon, a video game journalism website, which he has since departed. He is largely known for his comedic work, which is generally positive and inclusive in nature.


Griffin McElroy


The Candlenights 2021 Special
This pre-taped extravaganza features video segments from MBMBaM, Sawbones, Shmanners, Wonderful, Still Buffering, and Neat!, as well as appearances from special guests.
The Candlenights 2021 Special
Himself / Angus McDonald / Business Person
This pre-taped extravaganza features video segments from MBMBaM, Sawbones, Shmanners, Wonderful, Still Buffering, and Neat!, as well as appearances from special guests.
Shmorby's Guide To The Internet!
Shmorby (voice)
A look at the internet with everyone's favorite mascot, Shmorby!
Los Mitchell contra las máquinas
Additional Voices (voice)
Cuando Katie es aceptada en la escuela de cine de sus sueños, su familia entera decide acompañarla. Su viaje es interrumpido por una revolución tecnológica.
The Candlenights 2020 Special
This pre-taped extravaganza features video segments from MBMBaM, Sawbones, Shmanners, Wonderful, Still Buffering, and Neat!, as well as appearances from special guests!
The Candlenights 2020 Special
This pre-taped extravaganza features video segments from MBMBaM, Sawbones, Shmanners, Wonderful, Still Buffering, and Neat!, as well as appearances from special guests!
Trolls 2: Gira mundial
Country Music Tear (voice) / Skyscraper Troll (voice)
En una aventura que les llevará más allá de todo lo que habían conocido, Poppy y Branch descubren que su tribu de Trolls es solo una de las seis que existen, que el resto están repartidas en seis reinos y consagradas a seis tipos distintos de música: funk, country, tecno, clásica, pop y rock. La reina Bárbara, miembro de la realeza del hard rock, y su padre, el Rey Metal, quieren acabar con el resto de géneros musicales e imponer el reinado del rock. Con el destino del mundo en juego, Poppy y Branch, junto con el resto de la pandilla — Grandullón, Chanelle, Satén, Cooper y Guy Diamante—, visitarán los demás reinos para unir a los Trolls contra los planes de Barb de eclipsarlos a todos.
Zane Plays: Proboid
Zane (voice)
Zane is a deep space scout exploring the unknown in his two-legged vehicle, the PROBOID. He’s utterly alone except for an emergency chat channel filled with viewers spamming his only lifeline with expired memes, emote spam, and shoutout requests. Will any of his fellow scouts find him?
The Art of Playing
Indie video game developers push games to new frontiers in storytelling, music, animation and design. Texas has the second largest concentration of game companies in the U.S. Along with major game developers like EA and Blizzard, there is a small but committed group of independent developers and artists working diligently to bring their own voice to “lower the floor and raise the ceiling.” As these independents create more and more original work, what kind of impact can they have on the industry? Presented as part of the Arts in Context series produced by KLRU-TV, Austin PBS.