Glynn Edwards

Glynn Edwards

Nacimiento : 1931-02-02, Penang, Malaysia

Muerte : 2018-05-23


Glynn Edwards was a British television and film actor, probably best known for his role as the barman in the ITV comedy-drama Minder. His film credits included Zulu, The Ipcress File, Get Carter, Burke and Hare, Shaft in Africa, and Under Milk Wood. His first wife was the George and Mildred star Yootha Joyce.


Glynn Edwards


La séptima profecía
Simultáneamente a varios fenómenos inexplicables sucedidos en otros puntos del planeta, Abby Quinn, una joven norteamerican, se queda en estado. Tras un embarazo muy complicado, comienza a sentir miedo en el momento en el que ella y su marido alquilan su pequeño apartamento a David, un misterioso vagabundo. Abby, tras vivir unas experiencias metafísicas muy violentas, se da cuenta de que David está llevando a cabo las místicas profecías del "Día del Juicio Final" y que ella ha sido elegida como el instrumento de La Séptima Profecía.
Red Monarch
British comedy satirising Stalin's inner circle as an absolute monarchs court. In the face of rampant abuse of power and poisonous distrust some still manage to keep faith with the Bolshevist creed until the very end. In front of the firing squad a stalwart bolshevist of the first hour exclaims: "Even in the best democracy errors are being made!"
The Adventures of Frank: Everybody's Fiddling Something
Frank, a young lad from Sheffield, leaves home to seek his fortune in London; he finds the big city not all what he had expected
Rising Damp
Stingy landlord Rigsby manages to scam his lodgers John, an art student, and Philip, an African medical student, making both pay for a room they must share. However Rigsby's favorite lodger, Miss Jones, flirts with Philip rather than him, despite his pitiful attempts at seduction.
Confessions from the David Galaxy Affair
Chief Inspector Evans
Professional astrologer and lothario David Galaxy (Alan Lake, aka Mr Diana Dors), finds himself entangled with the Law and must be able to provide an alibi to clear himself from an incident that involved robbery and murder five years previously.
The Playbirds
Chief Superintendent Holbourne
In order to unmask a pathological killer who is targeting the beautiful centrefolds of Playbirds magazine, a sexy policewoman Lucy Sheridan puts her life and reputation on the line by sleeping with millionaire publisher Harry Dougan. The Chief Superintendant and Police Commissioner are keeping a close eye on her, but time is running out fast.
La casa número 11
First Guard
En Londres, un marchante de joyas que quiere apoderarse de un valioso diamante, involucrará en la operación a su novia, a un empleado del propietario de la joya y a un ladrón profesional.
Shaft en África
El detective John Shaft viaja de incógnito a Etiopía, luego a Francia, para destruir una red de tráfico de personas.
A Place to Die
Doctor Bruce Nelson takes over the medical practice of a village general-practitioner. Upon arriving in their new home, the doctor and his wife, Tessa, receive a very warm welcome from all the villagers. Tessa is at first flattered by the villagers' constant fawning and gifts, but soon becomes wary of their strange ways, and begins to suspect there is something evil in the village.
Burke & Hare
Two men go into business supplying medical colleges with cadavers by robbing graves.
Bajo el bosque lácteo
Mr Cherry Owen
Llareggub es un pueblecito galés de pescadores, habitado no sólo por una serie de extraños personajes, sino también por fantasmas.
All Coppers Are...
A young policeman and a small-time crook are both involved with the same girl.
Asesino implacable
Albert Swift
Cuando a Jack Carter le comunican la muerte de su hermano, se niega a aceptar la versión de la policía y decide investigar por su cuenta y vengar la muerte de su hermano.
Los Pasos del Miedo
CID Superintendent
un joven británico se sumerge en una pesadilla, ya que trata de resolver el asesinato de su tía, en Italia. Cuando las amenazas de violencia, notas misteriosas y el teléfono con llamadas amanazantes hacen añicos su vida, la policía y su novia dudan de la historia, debido a su pasado como adicto a las drogas, a pesar de que su vida está en peligro.
The Bofors Gun
Sergeant Major West
A national service NCO (David Warner) comes face to face with an embittered Irish Gunner (Nicol Williamson) who is determined to humiliate him.
El deseo y la bestia
Sgt. Allan
Tras ocurrir una serie de inexplicables crímenes, el inspector Quenell es asignado al caso. Sus investigaciones le llevarán hasta un científico que ha conseguido crear una especie de mariposa vampiro que crece desmesuradamente y ataca a los seres humanos para beberse su sangre.
Robbery (El gran robo)
Squad Chief
Un grupo de delincuentes británicos planea el robo del tren Royal Mail en la ruta Glasgow-Londres.
Three Clear Sundays
Prisoner Officer Johnson
Ken Loach production for The Wednesday Play, reflecting contemporary debates surrounding the abolishment of capital punishment.
Police Station Sergeant
A Harry Palmer no le gusta el mundo del espionaje, pero no conoce otro tipo de vida. En esta ocasión, la misión de Harry consiste en localizar al doctor Aubrey Richards, que ha desaparecido teniendo en su poder un valioso archivo que puede haber llegado a manos del enemigo. El gobierno también teme que Richards haya sido sometido a un lavado de cerebro, como ya había pasado con otros dos científicos británicos...
Cpl. Allen
Sudáfrica, 1879. Un centenar de soldados ingleses esperan el ataque de 4.000 guerreros zulúes. Tienen órdenes de resistir en su puesto y, a pesar de la aplastante superioridad numérica del enemigo (40 a 1), están dispuestos a luchar hasta el final.
Inspector Wright
A fastidious insurance assessor investigates a potential case of insurance fraud.
The Hi-Jackers
A self-employed lorry driver is determined to find the criminals responsible for hijacking him.
Sparrows Can't Sing
Charlie's Friend
Charlie returns to the East End after two years at sea to find his house demolished and wife Maggie gone. Everyone else knows she is now shacked up with married bus driver Bert and a toddler, and they all watch with more than a little interest at the trail of mayhem Charlie leaves as he goes about sorting things out.
A Prize of Arms
Breakdown Truck Crewman
A criminal gang sets out to pull off the heist of a large army payroll.
The Heart Within
1st Constable
This is one of David Hemming's earliest performances in the cinema: the star actor was just 15 when he portrayed a teenager who determines to clear a black friend on the run who is accused of murder.