Jeremy Schmidt


Beyond the Black Rainbow
En lo más profundo del misterioso instituto Arboria, una hermosa y perturbada chica llamada Allan está cautiva por un médico en busca de su paz interior. Su mente está controlada por una siniestra tecnología. En silencio, ella espera por su próxima sesión con un trastornado terapeuta, el Dr. Barry Nyle. Si quiere escapar, deberá adentrarse por los rincones más oscuros del instituto, pero Nyle no dejará escapar fácilmente a su creación con más talento y la más peligrosa también.
On a fateful day in the park, a lonely man meets Morella, a beautiful yet singularly bewitching woman. And from their first meeting, their souls become inseparable, their lives bound together forever. Morella is a woman of great intelligence and powers of the mind, she spends her days studying the occult and reading to the man from her collection of ancient texts. Given his devotion to his wife, the man abandons himself completely to her, as their life of seclusion and obsession grows darker with each passing day. Joy fades into the deepest horror as Morella's cold, distant nature and ghostly musical voice oppress the man until he can no longer bear the touch of her fingers, nor the luster of her melancholy eyes.