Dario Estelrich


Trash 2: las tetas de Ana L.
The day after she got her brother in the second worst problem of his life, Ana L. Bruselas escapes her captors without being able to bring her sawn off tits with her. They cut them off as retaliation for her not delivering a box full of "illegal" content in time. But Ana L. won't rest until she gets her beloved tits back
Murder collective maintains a compound where they film all the murders and mayhem they commit.
Associate Producer
Murder collective maintains a compound where they film all the murders and mayhem they commit.
Murder collective maintains a compound where they film all the murders and mayhem they commit.
Murder collective maintains a compound where they film all the murders and mayhem they commit.
Marihuana radioactiva interplanetaria
Un extraterrestre decide viajar a Buenos Aires y tomar muestras de un humano. En su búsqueda se encuentra con Pablo, un joven vendedor de marihuana al cual abduce. Pero cuando menos lo espera el abducido le roba su marihuana y a partir de ese momento se iniciará una aventura en la cual Pablo, junto a sus amigos Laura y Marcelo, trataran de escapar con vida del extraterrestre y su sed de venganza. A lo largo de esta aventura se encontrarán con extraños personajes acompañados de situaciones cómicas y delirante...