Felipe Torres


Nas Ondas da Fé
Hickson lived off the books, running from one place to another to make a living. His only great achievement in life had been to win over his wife Jéssika, an evangelical hairdresser and his girlfriend since childhood. The two lead a life without great prospects in the suburbs of Rio de Janeiro until Hickson gets a job at an evangelical radio station. With luck, talent and the help of Jessica, he soon becomes a pastor and has a meteoric rise in the church. But with fame and money comes envy. What now Hickson?
Alelados 2
Alex Balas
Paulo, Manuel, Eric y Alex tienen un sueño común: filmar una gran película de acción y aventuras. Para lograrlo, deben superar tus propias confusiones, y el enorme talento de este cuarteto para meterse en problemas no les impedirá lograr su objetivo.
O Amor Dá Trabalho
Dan Dan
TOC - Transtornada Obsesiva Compulsiva
Líder Punk no Sonho
Kika K es una estrella de éxito con millones de fans, pero detrás de escena, ella está en crisis personal y profesional: tiene que lidiar con un fan obsesivo, un novio sin concepto, citas profesionales programadas por la empresaria y su trastorno obsesivo compulsivo (TOC)
A Verdadeira História de Hermes e Renato
Sinhá Boça