Nino Formicola

Nino Formicola

Nacimiento : 1953-06-12, Milano, Italia


Nino Formicola


Non c'è più il futuro di una volta
Writers' Production
Non c'è più il futuro di una volta
I miei più cari amici
Andy & Norman
Stage recording of an Italian adaptation of Neil Simon's 'The Star-Spangled Girl'.
Andy & Norman
Norman Gambino
Stage recording of an Italian adaptation of Neil Simon's 'The Star-Spangled Girl'.
L'esercito più pazzo del mondo
In an unnamed village there is a barracks where improbable soldiers have been recruited, who are up to all sorts of things. From a completely wrong flag-raising to a kidnapping, we certainly won't get bored: the two kidnappers ask for an escape route to the Caribbean, where they can move with the blackmail money, but things don't go as planned.
L'esercito più pazzo del mondo
In an unnamed village there is a barracks where improbable soldiers have been recruited, who are up to all sorts of things. From a completely wrong flag-raising to a kidnapping, we certainly won't get bored: the two kidnappers ask for an escape route to the Caribbean, where they can move with the blackmail money, but things don't go as planned.
The Little Theatre of Jean Renoir
The Bum (segment "Le dernier réveillon")
Part One, "The Last Christmas Dinner," is about the relationship between an old man and an old woman, both homeless. Part Two, "The Electric Floor Polisher," is an opera-like story of a woman who is obsessed with polishing her floors. Part Three is a musical interlude featuring Jeanne Moreau singing "When Love Dies." Part Four, "The Virtue of Tolerance," concerns an old man, his young wife, and how they come to terms when she has an affair with a man her own age.
Queremos los Coroneles
Sátira a costa del fascismo que narra los planes de golpe de estado de un diputado italiano de extrema derecha. (FILMAFFINITY) La película constituye una sátira del neofascismo italiano que trama y desarrolla un golpe de Estado. Especialmente hilarante en algunos pasajes, la obra refleja la percepción existente de la ultraderecha en la época (década del 70) El film de retrata así las conexiones entre ambientes filogolpistas del Parlamento y organizaciones neofascistas extraparlamentarias, sin olvidar conexiones cn la dictadura helena de los coroneles. Con buen ritmo narrativo y sentido del humor, la obra (nominada en el Festival de Cannes a la Palma de Oro como mejor película) ofrece un sugerente y divertido testimonio del neofascismo de los años setenta.
Detenido en espera de juicio
Giuseppe Di Noi, un aparejador italiano que vive en Suecia desde hace ocho años, se ha casado y tiene dos hijos. Cuando, por fin, tiene la oportunidad de tomarse unas vacaciones regresa a Italia. Al llegar a la frontera es invitado a pasar a las dependencias policiales; aturdido por la situación y sobre todo porque nadie le comunica el motivo de su detención, empieza para él un largo calvario por diferentes comisarías y tribunales. (FILMAFFINITY)