Ilse Kubaschewski

Nacimiento : 1907-08-18, Berlin, Germany

Muerte : 2001-10-30


One or the Other of Us
Psychological thriller that focuses on the intense conflict between a university professor and a blackmailer.
Alle lieben Peter
La familia Trapp en América
La historia narra la continuación de los sucesos acontecidos en la película «La familia Trapp» (1956), del mismo director. Los primeros trabajos que tuvo la familia al llegar a América, sobreviviendo como pudieron en tugurios de Nueva York hasta que finalmente lograron crear un nuevo hogar.
El médico de Stalingrado
1943. La gran batalla de Stalingrado ha terminado. Batallones de prisioneros alemanes son conducidos a campos de concentración. A uno de estos campos, el 5110/47, llega el médico militar Fritz Böhler, Böhler no puede olvidar su juramento hipocrático y se salta todas las reglas del campo para poder operar de peritonitis a un alférez. El médico y su equipo además de robo, pueden ser acusados de asesinato en caso de que fallezca el alférez. (FILMAFFINITY)
La familia Trapp
Maria, una joven novicia, es solicitada para encargarse del cuidado de los hijos del severo barón Trapp. Con el tiempo, María consigue el cariño de los niños y se enamora del barón, con quien se casará. Formada la familia, María creará un fantástico grupo de canto con los niños Von Trapp, pero ante el estallido de la II Guerra Mundial y la anexión de Austria a la Alemania Nazi, el barón será obligado a unirse al ejército de Hitler
08/15 at Home
The third part of Paul May′s "08/15" trilogy based on the novel by Hans Hellmut Kirst takes place shortly before the end of World War II: In the spring of 1945, the German troops are practically defeated, and the battalion of Kowalski, major general von Plönnies and Asch who had risen to the rank of lieutenant in the meantime is left to its own devices to a large extent. They hope to be able to wait for the end of the war without having to encounter any combat operations. At the same time, Asch tries to prevent high-level Nazi officers from disappearing unnoticed and from cashing in on the chaotic circumstances.
08/15 Part 2
Winter 1942: Like thousands of other German soldiers, Asch and Vierbein have ended up at the Eastern front. Although Vierbein finds a new friend in Kowalski, the squadron commander captain Witterer, a true army veteran, gives them a really hard time. Witterer’s pointless orders reflect the bad habits of many former superiors. And again, Vierbein has to bear the brunt.
Life in the barracks, drill, harassment, and private Asch′s pranks are the ingredients of Hans Hellmut Kirst′s successful novel "08/15" (the number of an Army regulation). Shortly before the outbreak of World War II: Private Asch and gunner Vierbein belong to the same unit but could not be more contrary. The instructors use every opportunity to bully the clumsy Vierbein with erratic corporal Platzek leading the way. The harassment starts with minor extra duties but soon the methods become more and more brutal. Finally, Asch comes to Vierbein′s help and takes on his superiors. Joachim Fuchsberger stars in his first major role.
Ave Maria
Karin Twerdy used to be an opera singer but now, in order to pay for her daughter Daniela's education in a religious school, she performs in a shady nightclub. Industrialist Dietrich Gontard, the father of Karin's school friend Christa, falls for her. But when he learns the truth about her he is outraged and rejects her. At a loss and not to stand in the way of Daniela's future, Karin chooses to disappear...