Una excursión en 3 partes al anime erótico, esta tórrida colección de carnalidad de dibujos animados seguramente complacerá a los fanáticos del género. Es un trío salvaje de tentadoras viñetas sexuales, cada una de las cuales es un viaje de otro mundo hacia los confines del placer sensual.
Leader of Singers
Betty's father has an invention that looks like a fancy camera; it emits an ultra-lavender ray that temporarily rids the ray's target of inhibitions. To test it, Betty's father zaps Charley hoping his newly-aberrant behavior will cause Betty to end her affections for the milquetoast. Dad's plan backfires: the invention works perfectly, Charley gets a backbone, and Betty loves her new forceful man. However, Charley's courage and lack of a superego get him in trouble with the law. He goes on trial for assaulting a bullying police officer. Is Charley going up the river leaving Betty high and dry?