Luise Morland

Nacimiento : 1899-02-17, Berlin, Germany

Muerte : 1966-10-15


Postlagernd Turteltaube
Refugees from East Germany try to make a living in the west.
Drei Unteroffiziere
Frau Werner
A soldier thinks about leaving the army for a woman. His friends try to stop him.
Fahrendes Volk
Mädchen bei Hotel du Nord
Fernand has escaped from prison and finds shelter in the traveling circus Barlay, where his former wife Flora works as a predator trainer. Their son, now grown up, Marcel is an art rider and does not know that Fernand is his father. Marcel loves Yvonne, the daughter of director Barlay. He is against the connection, sends his daughter to Italy and convinces Marcel that Yvonne does not return his feelings.
Fracht von Baltimore
Morris' Tischdame
A Girl Goes Ashore
Grete Schilling
Meine Freundin Barbara
If We All Were Angels
Frau Oberpostdirektor
Der alte und der junge König
Frau von Kamecke
The story of the stormy relationship between King Friedrich Wilhelm and his son, who later became known as King Frederick the Great of Prussia.
Der Vetter aus Dingsda
Mother and Child
Frau Larsen
Consul Petersen and his wife are desperate, because they lost their only child and can’t have another. At the same time, the maid Anna is expecting a child, whose father, Jurgen, works in a sawmill. When both of them lose their jobs, they fear they won’t be able to feed the newborn. Thus, they strike a deal with the Petersens, which works for both couples: Anna and Jurgen will receive a farm from the Petersens, free and clear; and the two will allow the Petersens to adopt the child. Anna and Jurgen marry and are quite happy; but when the child is finally born, Anna doesn’t wish to surrender him and flees with the child into the Wattenmeer.